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The day after the gang had fought. Mikayla found her self getting ready for Stans bar mitzvah. She had her mother do her hair, since she was absolute trash at it. She had pinned half of it up, and then slightly curled the strands. She was currently squirming into the white pantyhose her mother gave her to wear under the blue dress she had on.

  "Honey! We are gonna be late! We still have to pick up, Richie," she called from down the stairs as she slipped on shoes. She quickly sprayed the perfume on her mother bought her last Christmas. She turned to look in the mirror as she smoothed out her dress and then hurried downstairs to her mother.

"Oh! Darling! You look absolutely beautiful," she smiled as Mikayla walked over to the front door. Her mother reaching out and pinching her cheeks.

"Momm," she laughed with a whine as she swatted at her hands. "Stop pinching my cheeks like you are a grandma," she said as she laughed a little more. Her mother smiling at her as she cupped her cheek.

"I can't help it. You are getting so big," she softly said as sadness filled her voice. Her mother pulled her in for a quick hug, before they went out to the car.

"I think Richie is wear a blue suit or blazer, so we are gonna end up matching," she chuckled as they drove down the two streets to pick him up.

They pulled in front of his house to see Richie sitting on his porch with his blue velvet looking jacket in hand. His hair was disheveled, and his glass tilted slightly in his face. He looked up at them and got up. A giant toothy grin on his face as he opened the door.n

"Hello Ms. Fench, Miki Moo!" He chirped as he got in and buckled up.

"Hello, Richie dear," Mikayla's mother chimed as she glanced back at him and then began to drive.

"Richie, your hair is an absolute mess," Mikayla said as she looked back at the boy. Richie shrugged as he shuffled his fingers through it.

"I'll fix it when we get to the church," she sighed as she faced forward again. After about ten minutes they pulled up to the church and parked. A lot of Stans family and just members of the church where walking in.

Mikayla and Richie both got out. Immediately, Mikayla began to fix his hair, attempting to tame the chaos. Once she decided it was decently presentable all three of them entered and took a seat.

It took a while before Stan's father came out and the ceremony began. Both Richie and Mikayla sat patiently in the pews. Neither of them got distracted, or bored as they listened to Stan read from the book placed in front of him.

Once the ceremony was over Richie, Miki, and Stan all snuck off during the after events. Hiding out behind the building as all of the adults mingled.

"Finally a man! Time to slice the tip of your dick off," Richie said with a grin as Stan groaned.

"I didn't think they actually did that," Stan groaned as Mikayla shivered at the thought.

"I know I don't have a dick, but that sounds disgusting, and painful," she said as she raised her shoulders to her ears and groaned.

"How do you think I feel!" Stan cried as he smoothed down his curls with one hand. Mikayla watched him carefully. Her eyes staying on his hair for a moment as she missed his curls.

"You already don't have a lot to work with! What are you gonna do now!?" Richie cried with a joking smile as Stan shoved his shoulder causing Mikayla to laugh.

"I think Stan is gonna be fine. It's yourself you gotta worry about, Richie!" She teased as they all began to laugh. Richie making more comments. Mikayla felt like they had fallen back into their normal swing. Like there wasn't a killer clown in the town. Like they where just kids enjoying the summer.

  "So Miki," Stan said changing the subject off of Richies dick size to something more pleasant. "Your birthday is next week! What are our plans?"

  "Oh," she started as her smile fell from her face. If she was honest the girl hadn't given it much thought. Last year the whole gang had went out to the closet state park. Her mother had bought a cake, hotdogs, and lots of pop. They went and swam, ate, hung out, and basically just did the normal.

  "I haven't given it any thought...we can't go to the park again...not with just us. I might see if my mom can convince Mrs. K into letting Eddie hang out with me," she began a soft smile on her face as a disappointed one began to appear on Stans.

"I thought we all where gonna hang out," Stan sadly mentioned.

   "I mean we can the next day. Eddie hasn't hung out with any of his friends since he broke his arm. I feel bad for him."

"Imagine if it was you Stan," Richie added in. "Stuck in one house with no friends, and no escape! I mean Eddies mom is a total babe, but Jesus we all get tired of someone eventually!"

  "True," Stan said softly as his eyes dropped to the ground. The green grass had small droplets of dew on them. Fresh from earlier that morning.

  "We can all go out the day after tomorrow," Mikayla said with a grin. "I pinky swear!"

  She held up her pinky to Stan. His eyes changed from the grass to her delicate pinky finger. A small smile on his face as he linked fingers with her and both of them brought their lips down to their own respective thumbs and kissed them. Sealing the pinky swear.

  "Ew, that's Heterosexual," Richie said as he made a fake gag, and then thrusted his pinky into the mix. "My turn!!"

A/N: HI! Long time no update, huh?  I got super busy and will be staying pretty busy. Imma try to push these out as quickly as I can!! <3

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