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Mikayla, Richie, and Stan all sat shoulder to shoulder. Each of them sitting back in their seats. Mikayla's knees drawn to her chest as they all watched in slight fear as Freddie Krueger killed another helpless teen in their sleep.

Mikayla felt Stans fingers tighten around her forearm as she hid her face in her knees. The theater filling with screams and then laughs. Mikayla felt Stan relax into the theater seat again. Her eyes flicking over to him as she leaned towards him.

"You good?" She whispered into his ear. His head turning quickly as he came nose to nose with her causing his breath to hitch as she pulled slightly away. Her cheeks flushing as red as the theater seats.

"Ye-yeah! I'm all good," he whispered a little loudly as he smiled at her. Her cheeks still red as she watched his cheeks turn a shade of pink. The screen illuminating his skin and highlighting his cheekbones.

She wanted to reach out and tuck the curls behind his ear and hold his hand. Tell him it was just a movie, and she was equally as scared, but she didn't.

"Hey, lovebirds," Richie said aloud as he elbowed Mikayla. A giant grin on his face as he drew their attention, and probably a lot of annoyed glances, towards himself. "You are gonna miss the best part!"

Mikayla heard a few people hush him. The scowls from the few people around them making her spine tingle. She put her attention back onto the movie, and to keeping Richie's mouth shut.


    After the movie the three of them climbed onto their bikes and rode around town. Laughing loudly as they passed house after house. Store after store. They eventually came to a stop at the arcade. All of three of them putting their bikes on the rack and heading in.

"Street fighter here I come!" Richie hollered before scampering off to the machine. Mikayla and Stan snorted as they watched his curly haired head disappear.

"So what do you want to play?" She asked as she folded her arms behind her back and grinned up at him. Her eyes moving off of him and to the games around them.

"Le-" before Stan could finish Mikayla was dragging him off to a dancing game.

"This! Then whatever you where gonna say," she beamed as she pushed him onto the pad.

Stan didn't have time to argue before she picked a song and the countdown began on the screen. Mikayla stood next to him on her own pad. The dancing character appearing in the screen as some upbeat song began to play and arrows began to go across the screen.

Mikayla was already moving. Her foot hitting the correct arrow as she grinned and glanced over at him. Her energy level had went through the roof. She looked amazing, like she was born to play that game. Probably because she was a actual dancer.

Instead of dancing Stan just watched as she enjoyed herself. Her smile growing bigger as she moved her arms around. The moves where wild, and way to chaotic, but Stan was loving it. He was living for the way she laughed and the way her hair bounced around her shoulders.

He wanted to reach out and run his fingers through her hair. Watch as her energetic smile turned to a soft heart warming one. He wanted to tell her that she shines as bright as the sun.

He was brought from his thoughts at the sound of the buzzer and a voice exclaiming, "you lose!"

Mikayla snorted as she wiped the sweat from her forehead and grinned. Her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath.

"You didn't even dance, Stanny," she said as she looked at the lanky boy. Her hands moving to her hips as she smiled at him.

"We both know dancing isn't my thing, Miki," he said softly as he smiled back at her. His whole body filling with a warmth as he watched her giggle.

A/N: time to get back to your regularly schedule program! these upcoming chapters will focus on the movie plot line now! this chapter was basically a "realization" of said crushes.

I love it


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