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carry on by fun


Mikayla stood next to the others in her bra and underwear. Leaning over the edge of the cliff, before backing away slightly. Stans hand brushing hers, before slipping into her palm. His fingers lacing with hers. She looked at him with a small nervous smile as he smiled back at her.

  "I'll jump with you," he mumbled as he squeezed her hand. Her nerves calming almost instantly at the smile and words, as she nodded her head.

"Whose jumping first?" Richie asked as he looked at all of them. His eyes drifting on Mikayla and Stans hand for a second to long.

"Lets do the spit thing, or whatever you guys call it," Miki said as she looked at all of them. Her attempt to prolong jumping off. Richie snorted as he looked at her.

"It's called a lougee, Miki," he said as they all started to make the disgusting sounds to form one.

  Miki joining in with them a few seconds later before watching Richie spit his, then Stan. Eddie starting to talk himself up as he watched everybody go. Miki went after Stan, than Bill, than Ben. Eddie spit out his, it going the least furthest.

  "Oh my god that was terrible. I win," Richie said as he gestured towards the distance. Eddie immediately shaking his head.

  "You won?" He said as he looked over at him.

"Ya." Everyone's eyes shifted over to Richie.

"Did you see my lougee?" Eddie asked as everyone's eyes looked towards him.

"Mine went the furthest," Richie defended as he pointed his arm out over the cliff. Mikayla looked at the distance, before a nausea feeling settled into her stomach. She began to wish she never suggested this in the first place.

  "How about we don't jump and call it a day," Mikayla pipped in nervously as she looked at Stan. His own chocolate brown eyes meeting with hers as Eddie and Richie's bickering continued.

  "You'll be fine," he uttered loud enough for her to hear as he gave her a small smile. His hand squeezing hers lightly before he looked over at Bill. Again the queasiness she was feeling vanished.

"Alright," Bill interrupted as he gestured out towards the water. "Whose first?"

  They all looked over the edge. The queasy feeling returning as she squeezed Stans hand a little more. Her mind slowly screaming at her as she stared at the green water.

  "I'll go," a voice shouted from behind them. All of their heads turning to see who it was. Their eyes met Beverly Marsh; who was dropping her bike and unbuttoning her dress. Mikayla took note that the girl had chopped off her hair. It looked good. They all watched in slight amazement as she pulled the dress off and smiled at them.

  "Sissy's," she teased as she took off running and jumped off the cliff. Her body falling through the air as Richie yelled.

  "What the fuck?" A loud splash following right after. Mikayla stared at the rippling water as she gulped.

  "Ah, Holy shit," Richie and Mikayla said as they all stared in amazement.

"We just got showed up by a girl. Mikayla your place is being threatened," he said as he looked at her.

"Do we have to do that now?" Mikayla asked as he looked at them.

"Yes," Eddie and Stan both spat out as they looked over at her.

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