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six different ways by the cure


Mikayla had taken second place at the competition. Richie had told her she could have gotten first place, but all Stan did was tell her that the competition was over rated. That the judges had no eye for artistic value. Eddie agreeing with what Stan was saying. Her mother had sat up front laughing at the three.


   Mikayla had woken up the next morning to pounding on her bedroom door. She sat up and scrambled out of her bed to her door pulling it open. All five of her favorite dorks standing in the frame. Richie right up front with a smug look on his face.

  "What are you guys doing?" She whined as she kept one of her hands clutched to the door knob.

   "I was hoping I could do you," Richie smuggle said before getting a sharp elbow to the rib by Eddie. Stans eyes rolling as Bill spoke up.

  "W-Were going to ride b-bikes around town," he said as he looked at her. "Wanna c-come?" She smiled at him.

  "Of course!" She beamed, "let me change."

"Can I watch?" Richie asked as the door was slammed in their faces. The sound of the lock being the only noise to follow afterwards as she turned around to face her room. 

  Quickly, she moved to her dresser pulling out a pair of high waisted jean shorts and changing into them. She pulled down the bottom part to where the end of the shirt met half way down her thigh. She then stripped her shirt off and put on a nice clean tee shirt she had stolen from Eddie one day. She put socks on and then her shoes, before messily tying her hair up in a high ponytail.

   She went back to her door, unlocking it and pulling it open. All of them still in the same spot as before. They all stared at each other for a moment.

  "Well are we going?" She asked as they all nodded their heads and turned to walk down the hall towards the main entrance of her house. Mikayla following after them.

  "Wait a minute!" Eddie shouted as he stopped and turned to face the girl. "That's my shirt!" A giant smile pulled on her face as she shook her head.

"No way, Eddie," she smiled as she pulled on the shirt a little. "I got this as a birthday present from my mom."

  "That's a lie!" He accused, before turning and marching forward. Everyone's eyes on him. "I don't care keep it! I'm pretty for sure that's the shirt Richie puked on anyways."

  Richie and her both started to laugh at the memory of a extremely freaked out Eddie. As he pulled open the front door. All of them following after him.


It was around noon now and they decided they'd go get Beverly. All of them on their own bikes as Eddie and Richie argued upfront. Stan joining in after awhile, before Mikayla decided to hop in as well.

  As soon as they turned the corner that lead to the stairs Eddie dropped his bike to the ground. Mikayla sliding halfway off of hers so she could put her leg down. Keeping herself from falling. When she looked up she was met with Beverly standing in front of them all.

  "I need to show you something," she said immediately. No other explanation besides that  as Ben got off his bike.

   "What is it?" Ben asked as he held onto his bike.

"More then what we saw at the quarry?" Richie asked causing Mikayla to turn and smack the boys arm.

  "That's rude, Richie," she scolded before turning her attention back to Bev.

"My Dad will kill me if he finds out, I had boys In the..." She trialed off before Bill started to talk.

"W-Will leave a look out," he said as he pointed to Richie and Mikayla, "You two, s-stay here."

  "Woah woah woah," Richie started to say as everyone but Stan dropped their bikes.

  "Don't leave me here with him!" She said as she gestured to him.

  "F-fine, Mikayla, you can c-come," Bill said causing the girl to drop her bike and follow them.

"What!? What if her dad comes back," he said as he stood straddling her bike. Both Stan and Mikayla stopping at the bottom of the stairs to look at him.

  "Do what you do best, start talking," they both say in unison causing both of them to laugh. Eddie muttering something like 'what a power couple' under his breath as he climbed the stairs.

  "It is a gift," Richie mumbled as Stan let Mikayla go first. Her feet carrying her up the steps and into Bevs apartment.

  Her eyes went to the girls walls. Scanning them for any pictures of Bev as a baby, but finding none. She continued onwards after the rest of them as she felt Stan nudge her arm with his. She turned to look at him as a smile stretched on her face. Her hand moving to lace their fingers together. A warmth spreading up her arm as she did.

  "In there," Bev mumbled as they all stopped to stare at a door down a hallway. Mikayla's interest peeking as they all began walking forward to open the door.

"What is it?" Stan asked as he squeezed Mikayla's hand a little tighter.

"You'll see," she responded as they got closer.

"Are you taking us to your bathroom?" Eddie asked, "I want you to know that eighty nine percent of accidents happen in bathrooms."

  Mikayla tuned him out after that as she stared straight ahead at the door. Wanting the people in front of her to walk faster so she could see.

Slowly, the door creaked open. A red light meeting her face as she stared in disgust at the bathroom. Eddie letting out a whimper as he stared.

  "I knew it," he breathed as Mikayla let out a gagging noise. Every inch of the bathroom was covered in blood. So much blood that the light from the window was turned red.

"You see it?" Bev asked as they all nodded there heads.

"I don't think I can unsee it," she remarked as she looked more into the bathroom.

"What happened in here?" Stan asked as no one moved.

"My Dad couldn't see it," Bev started, "I thought I might be crazy."

They all went quiet again as they contained to exam the bathroom.

"Well if your crazy then we're all crazy," Ben mumbled as she heard Eddie gag again. She reached her free hand up to grab his forearm and squeeze him gently. His head turning to look at her as she offered him a smile.

"We c-can't leave it like this," Bill said as he looked back a little and then forward again. Eddies mouth opening some to protest as they all started to walk inside. Mikayla letting go of Stan's hand.

  "So where are the cleaning supplies," she asked her hands clasping together.

A/N: heyoooo! How was this chapter? A little on the long side, and I didn't add in the cleaning part, because obviously all they do is clean. Do you really wanna read about that?

How is the book so far? I hope it's good!!

Sorry for the slow updates. School is slamming me 😞

OKAY IMMA GO! Talk next chapter!! Love you all


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