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gimme the beats by Taylor MacDonald


After cleaning the bathroom and disposing off all of the paper towels used. The group of kids grabbed their bikes and started to push them towards the center of town. Richie being the only one on his bike as he rode around the group asking a billion questions.

Mikayla's annoyance of the yapping male clearly shown on her face. The only thing keeping her quiet is that fact that she wasn't the only one who had experienced something weird.

She cringed at the horrifying memory as she continued to push her bike forward. Stan pushing his next to her quietly.

"You know I love being a personal doorman, really. Could you guys have taken any longer?" Richie asked as he rode in circles around them. All of them quiet.

"Shut up, Richie," Eddie said. Stans own squeaky voice following after.

"Yeah, shut up Richie!"

"Oh, okay trash the Trashmouth. I get it, hey I wasn't the one scrubbing the floor imaging her sink went all Eddies moms vagina on Halloween," Richie said as he went around them again.

"Richie, shut up," Mikayla remarked as she looked back at him. "She didn't fucking imagine it. It was real."

"I s-saw something too," Bill said after. Everyone coming to a stop and looking at him. His head turning to look at Stan.

"You saw blood to," Stan said as he looked and kept his eyes on Bill.

"No, I saw G-G-George. it seemed so real. It seemed like him, but there was this this," Bill responded before being interrupted by Eddie.

"Clown," Eddie said as this was this awkward pause. Eddies eyes looked around at the ground. No one said anything. Everyone just stared at one another. "Ya, I saw it too," Eddie finished the groups mood shifting dramatically.

Mikayla moved closer to Stan. Her eyes moving to his hands which she desperately wanted to grab, but couldn't since she was holding onto her bike.

"Wait, can only virgins see this stuff. Is that why I'm not seeing this shit," Richie jokingly asked, which made Mikayla roll her eyes. Eddie looked at Richie, gulped, and then at the ground. Mikayla caught it and immediately felt sad for the boy. All of their attention shifted over to loud voices coming from across the street.

  "Oh, shit that's Bill Tugens car," Mikayla said as she they all now stared at the vehicle. "We should probably get out of here."

"Wait is that...the homeschool kids bike," Bill said as he pointed at it. A few of their heads looking back at him, and then at the bike.

  "Yeah, that's Mikes," Beverly said as Eddie gave Mikayla a uncomfortable look. He knew what the group was thinking, and he did not like it.

"We have to help him," Beverly added on as she looked back at them all. "Yes," she said as she dropped her bike to the ground and began to run over there. Everyone else dropping theirs, besides Stan who set his up with the kickstand. Mikayla lagging behind to wait for him, before they ran after everyone else.

  Mikayla and the group cut through bushes, passed trees, and at one point she tripped when she wasn't paying attention. Stan and Eddie helping her up and asking her if she was alright which she just smiled and said yes. Yelling could be heard from somewhere a bit farther ahead,

  Eventually the gang came to a clearing. A river separating them from Henry and his gang. Mikayla made it to the group just in time to see Beverly hurl a rock at Henry and hit him square in the face. Knocking him off of Mike, who immediately made his way away from the group.

   Beverly stood in front of the pack as Mike was now crawling over to them through the river. Mikayla sprang into action to help him up, as Henry began to talk. Everyone else picked up more rocks. Mikaylas arm snacking around Mikes waist and moving him out of what she was calling the war zone.

  "You losers are trying to hard. She'll do you," he said as he grabbed the front of his pants and dragged up. Mikayla cringing with disgust as she helped Mike stand, asking if he was alright.

  "You just gotta ask nicely," he added on, "and besides don't you already have one whore?" He said as he motioned towards Mikayla. She could feel vomit rising in her throat as she looked at him.

  Ben let out a yell, but it was overshadowed when another rock went flying across the creek and hit Henry's face again. Mikaylas eyes flickered to who had thrown it, and there Stan stood. His jaw clenched and for some reason Mikayla could feel a heat radiating off of the boy. She couldn't ponder on it, because before long another rock was being thrown.

"Rock war!" Richie screeched before being hit in the face by a rock, causing Mikayla to snort, before she joined the fun. All of them pelting the trio of asshats with rocks. Henry had already fallen to the ground. Mikayla to consumed in throwing rocks to pay attention to anything else until eventually Henry's body guards ran off.

   They all stood there for a moment looking at the schoolyard bully as he laid on the ground, abandoned. Mikayla had stared at him for a moment. There was a awkward silence as Henry began to get up. Eddie and Bill where helping Mike up, as Stan was looking at Mikayla. All of them beginning to go back for the bikes. Mikayla lagging back as she heard Richie say something to Henry before he followed them.

  "Thank you," Mikayla said as she looked at Stan, who was rubbing blood from his jawline.

  "For what?" He asked as they slowed a little more. Oblivious to how far ahead the group was.

  "Standing up for me," she said as she reached her hand up and wiped at some of the blood. "It means a lot to me."

  Stan stared at her blankly for a moment, before smiling softly. "Of course."

A/N: long time no chapter huh. WELL I'm back. I recently bought the movie, so ya know!

  ANYWAYS, once this is done I'm thinking about writing some stenbrough. Soft stuff of course! Alternate universe as well, or their teen years!

  OR I can write some Reddie. Have Mikayla and Stans relationship from this book as a background and stuff, since I do hint at some Bisexual Richie ;))  Older teen years of course!


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