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The group of seven sat just off the train tracks. It was a little ways away from the Barrens, and just a couple of minutes walk back to town. Mikayla had a hectic couple of weeks. She was interrogated by the police, yelled at by her mom, and then cleaned up and bandaged.

It took forever before her mother let her leave the house again. She wasn't allowed to talk to Stan, per his parents rules, but once the police came out that there was no way the kids could have done this. She was able to talk to him, and visit him while he was grounded.

Stan, in her opinion, had taken the worst of it all. His head was tightly bound to keep the punctures around his head from getting infected, and also bleeding. She knew he'd have scars for the rest of his life as a reminder of this summer.

Stan also had nightmares following the event. He would call her late at night asking if she was okay, and she'd reassure him that she was. At one point her begged his parents to let her stay over from the extent of how bad the dreams he got. They allowed her every few nights are so. She couldn't help, but feel awful for the curly haired boy.

Eddie has gotten in a heap of trouble. When he came home to his mother she had lost her shit. The controlling woman had forced him into a tub and scrubbed him clean, as he told, it was the most humiliating thing in his life.

Bills parents only greeted him with hugs, and continuous crying. He had found George's body, and was able to put him to rest. His funeral, and many other childrens, was held a week or so after being found. The whole town was in grievance.

Richie's didn't really speak of the whole experience. He was in no trouble with his family, and had escaped with the least amount of wounds. He was still his chipper self, and rarely brought the subject up.

Mikes grandfather had given him a hard punishment, or so Mike said. His grandfather had lectured him about the gun, losing the pack of ammo, and putting himself in danger. He had to do a lot of heavy lifting for punishment, and was banned to hang out after curfew from that day on.

Ben had been met with hugs, and kisses. His parents just glad he was okay. They had told him they where happy he had made friends, and he received the second to least amount of punishment.

Beverley had been taken from her dads custody. The old man was charged with a ton of things, and by the end of Summer she was to be gone. Moving off into another town, mother state, with her aunt. Everyone was extremely happy for her, but everyone also would miss her.

  "I can only remember parts," Beverly started as she broke the silence among the group. "I thought I was dead. That's what it felt like. I saw us all of us together; back in the system we where older, like our parents ages."

"W-What where we doing?" Bill asked shakily the fun atmosphere that had surrounded the group during their trip down now gone. Mikayla scooted closer to Stan.

  "I just remember how we felt," Bev spoke again, her head shaking slightly as she looked off at the ground as if recalling the events. "How scared we where. I don't think I could ever forget that," she spoke just barely above a whisper. Her face downcasted, and filled with no emotion.

  Bill stood up after her words, picking up a piece of glass and twisting it in his hands. He looked at everyone before speaking.

  "Swear..." he started as he held the shard now in one hand. "Swear if it isn't dead. If it ever comes back. We'll come back too."

  The group stayed silent for a few passing seconds, before Beverly stood up next to Bill. The Eddie, and Richie, and soon everyone stood up. Mikayla grasper Stans hand tightly as she looked at Bill.

  They all watched as Bill cut into his hand. A thin oblique line that filled quickly with blood. He then took Richie's hand, and cut the same line across. Everyone was silent as he made his way around the group. Everyone's face cringing with pain.

   Mikayla reluctantly held her hand out. It felt like a looming doom over her as he grasped her hand, and dug the corner into her hand.

  "Ow, ow, motherfuck," she breathily whispered in pain as he let go, and she squeezed her hand tight in a attempt to make the pain go away. A few tears escaping her eyes before eventually she felt hands reaching for hers.

  Her own bloody hand clasped Stans uninjured one, and the feeling of Mikes warm, also bloodied, hand clasped her uninjured hand. She didn't want to squeeze ether of her hands more as she knew it would hurt further, but she couldn't help but squeeze Stans.

   A grimace crossing her expression as he squeezed back. A soft sigh escaping his parted lips. Her eyes moving up to his for a moment, and for the first time in a long while he had caught a smile on his lips.

  After a few seconds everyone let go of each other's hands. Except Mikayla, she kept a tight grip on Stans. For a few breath taking seconds she felt as if the world didn't exist and it was just them. The gang of seven kids who just sliced their hands, and fought off a evil clown a month ago.

  "I hate you," Stan said causing Mikayla to look up at him. His eyes set on Bills before he cracked a smile, and soon Eddie was laughing. The group joining in on the laughter.

  "I'll see you guys later," he spoke again after a few seconds.

  "Me too!" Mikayla chimed as she followed Stan off into the woods. Her bleeding hand still tightly holding onto Stans. Once they where out of ear shot from the rest of the group Mikayla spoke.

  "I love you."

Stan stopped in his tracts as well as Mikayla. Her hand slowly letting go of his before he turned sharply. His hand moving to cup her cheek, and pull her close. For a small second she could stare into his eyes, and felt safe.

  The next second to follow was shocking, and warm. Stan had pressed his lips to Mikaylas. Her eyes where wide for a moment, until they closed softly. Her body relaxed, and her hand reached up for his cheek as well.


I can't believe I actually finished a book 🥵 anyways I have a my hero academia book coming, so wait for that!

  Anyways, thank you all for reading this fanfic! It started when I was into the IT fandom, but I'm no longer into it, but I did finish this!! I'm very proud of myself honestly. You all are amazing! Thank you for reading <3 check out my other works when they come out!

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