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infinity by jaymes young


The group hadn't hung out in a few days, and during those few days Mikayla attended another dance competition, but just this time with Eddie. She would have brought Stan and Richie along, but Eddie was talking about possibly joining ballet. She also missed hanging out with her Eddie Bear.

Today though, Mikayla was getting ready to go bird watching with Stanley. She had put on denim shorts that stopped at her mid thigh.Her tee shirt was a deep green shade that had a red strip across the chest. She tucked it into her shorts, before adding a belt. Her hair was put up in a high ponytail with a brightly colored scrunchie.

  "Mikayla!" Her mother called from downstairs as she was squirming on her shoes. "Stanley is here for you!"

  She grinned as she looked in the mirror, checking once over her outfit, and then grabbed the binoculars he had bought her for her birthday. She also snatched up her sketchbook and pencils. Shoving them deep into her satchel, before tossing that on as well.

  "I'm coming!" She screamed back as she hurried out of her room and then down the stairs. A giant smile on her face when the boy came into view. He was wearing his usual khaki shorts. A light colored shirt tucked into those same shorts, accompanied by a belt and his hair neatly styled. His binoculars hung from his neck. Her mother stood with the door open, casually talking to Stan as they waited for her.

  "Ready to go!" She grinned as she grabbed his hand and dragged him towards their bikes. "Bye mom! I'll be home later!" She said as her mother shouted a be careful, and then shut the door. Mikayla let go of Stans hand as she climbed onto her bike.

  "Are we going to the meadow over by the train bridge, or somewhere new?" She asked as she looked over at Stan who was mounting his bike.

  "The meadow," he said as he looked at the enthusiastic girl. His cheeks tinting red as he did. Mikayla didn't pay any attention to how his cheeks flushed. Only paying attention to how badly she wanted to go watch birds.

  "I'll race you there!" She beamed before pushing off and beginning to pedal. Stan following after with shouts of unfair.

   After awhile the duo had arrived, set their bikes somewhere no one would see, and found them selves a cozy spot against a tree. Stan had put his bird journal. All the drawings in it done by ether Stan or Mikayla.

  "Miki," he whispered quietly as he lowered his binoculars from his eyes. The girl leaned against the tree. Her knees pulled up to her chest; being used as a table for her sketchbook.  She only carried a sketchbook, because the doctor recommended she did to try and help steady her hands. Which obviously didn't help, and all her drawings look like they where done by a grown up two year old.

  "Yes?" She whispered back, the energy she had earlier a lot more toned down since she didn't want to scare away the birds. She really did enjoy going bird watching with Stan. She liked when they leaned against a tree. Stans note book out in hand as he sketched a bird. Mikaylas head on his shoulder as she watched. She also liked the way he looked, calm and at peace. Like he belonged there.

  "Look at this bird. I haven't seen it before," he whispered quietly as he pointed to some blue bird out further away from them. She scooped up her binoculars and shifted closer to Stan. She put the binoculars to her eyes and looked out at the bird.

  "Do you know what type it is?" She asked curiously as she kept staring at it. Trying to remember it's design, and body structure, so she could look it up later.

  "No, I just said I hadn't seen it before," he whispered as he now had his binoculars up to his eyes again. She pulled hers away and looked at him for a moment, before raising them back up.

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