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winter song by Sarah Bareilles and Ingrid Michaedson


Mikayla sat hip to hip with Stan and Richie in the back of her mothers car. Eddie was riding shot gun as he talked to her mother about every current event. Which happened to be about all of the missing children.

   She sat thinking of last nights events, and how lucky she had gotten with getting out of the Uris residence. Neither of his parents noticing, but her own parents where a different story. Her mother had listened to her and trusted her. While her dad blew his lid.

  It took him a while to calm down and understand what happened. She was still getting grounded though for sneaking out. Stan nudged Mikayla with his elbow causing her to look from Eddie to him.

  "Do you know when you are dancing?" He asked as he slid his hand into hers. Obviously he knew something was making Mikayla uncomfortable. Stan had a talent for telling when she was nervous or uncomfortable. Their fingers lacing as she shrugged her shoulders.

  "I never know when until I get there," she hummed with a small smile as he squeezed her hand. Her mind going to the warmth of his fingers rather then the events from this morning.

  "And you're dancing by yourself on stage?" He asked as she nodded her head. "How is dancing by yourself in front of hundreds of people?"

"It's kinda nerve racking, but you just go out there and you do your best," she responded with a hopeful smile that sent chills down Stans spin.

  "What are you love birds talking about?" Richie cooed next to her as he leaned his head over to where he could see them. A prominent smirk on his face as he looked at the duo. Their hands instantly untangling from each other while both of their faces lit up like a Christmas tree.

  "Shut it, trashy," she bite as she looked over at him. His smirk growing into a grin at their reactions. Her brain realizing her mistake at acting that way.

  "Ah, young kids in love," he swooned as he clasped his hands together. Stan chocking at the words. "I remember when I was in love. Don't you Mrs. Finch?" Her mother looked into the review mirror at them with a smile.

At that Mikayla hit the other boy in the leg. Her mother chuckling from the front seat as Eddie turned to face Richie. A unimpressed look on his face as he stared at the glasses wearing boy.

  "Richie, you don't know the first thing about love," he remarked before facing forward In his seat and going back to his conversation with her mom. Mikayla quirked a grin as she looked at Richie.

"Oh, but our little Richie does," she breathed loud enough for only him to hear. His eyes glaring at her while she snickered. Leaving a confused and slightly jealous Stan to look at the interaction.


Eddie, Richie, and Stan all sat out in the audience. Staring at the giant stage that everyone else was looking at. Loud music blasting through the speakers of the theater as some random group of girls performed their dance on stage.

  "They suck," Richie groaned as he stared boringly at the stage. "When is Mikayla gonna go on?" He asked for what seemed like the 40 millionth time in the past minute.

"She is on next," Eddie groaned as he looked at Richie, "Now shut your trap." Stan snorted at the sass from Eddie.

  "She said that we all have to give her feedback on how she dances since it's her first time dancing by herself," Stan said as he took his eyes off the stage to look at Richie and Eddie.

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