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   Mikayla now sat in Bills garage. Her head resting on Riches shoulder as Bill hung up the map to Derry's Sewer System. The screen projector turning on as he hung up the last corner and walked over to Ben to get one of the picture slides. Mike shutting the garage door casting them all in darkness. Stan walked over and sat next to Miki. The girl smiling as she moved her head from Richies shoulder to his.

  She heard the familiar click of the photo sliding into its slot and looked at the screen as Bill aligned it with the one on the wall. Everyone was still silent, even Richie, which gave off a eerie feeling. Everyone shuffled to a spot around the projector and took a seat, or stood in the back.

   "Look," Bill said as he pointed to the spot marked on the map where Georgie had vanished. "Where Georgie disappeared." Red dotted lines for the sewers lined up with the spot. "There's the iron works." The same red dotted line ran through a image of the building. "The black spot. Everywhere it happens it's all connected by the sewers, and they all meet up at the-"

  "The well house," Ben chimed, Mikayla shifting uncomfortably in her seat. Causing Stan to stiffen up for a moment, but relaxed when he realized it was just her.

  "It's the same house on Neibolt street," Stan said after a pause of silence from the group. Everyone's eyes moved to one another.

  "Creepy ass house where all the junkies and hobos like to sleep?" Richie chimed in, as Eddie brought his inhaler to his mouth and took a huff. Mikayla watched he boy as he was doubled over.

"I hate that place," Beverly said, her eyes still on the map. "It always feels like it's watching me."

"That's where I saw it," Eddie said with a raspy voice. "That's where I saw the clown."

  "T-That's w-where it lives," Bill shakily said, Mikayla now sat up more. Eddie taking another huff of his inhaler.

  "I can't imagine anything ever wanting to live there," Stan said before Eddie roughly stood up from his spot.

"Can we stop talking about this," Eddie said as his voice rose. His hands shaking as he stood in front of the screen. "I-I-I can barely breath," he squeaked out as he shifted from foot to foot. "Where kids. I-I can barely breath. Am Am I having a fucking asthma attack," he said as his hands moved in he hair. Taking a sharp inhale and then a huff from his inhaler. "I'm not doing this," he said as he turned around, grabbed one side of the map and tore it down.

  "What the hell. Put the map back," Bill stated as he pointed at a very panicked Eddie.

  "Ed's, just do it," Miki chimed in.

"uh huh," Eddie said stubborn like as he nodded his head, at the same time the slides changed to a different picture, and then another one. No one touching the machine. Eddie looked back at the screen as he began to move away.

    "What's going on?" Stan ask as Mikayla felt him tense up. She immediately moved her hand to his and clutched onto it. Pictures of Bill, Georgie, and his parents flashed across the screen. Pictures of them riding rides at Six Flags, their vacations to varies locations. Mikayla started to get nervous even as Mike went over to try and fix it.

  "Guys," Mike said, but never finished his sentence. Stan was now standing as well as Mikayla. Her hand still tightly clutching his as she hid slightly behind his back. Everyone who was standing was stepping back, or just moving away in general.

  The slides stopped on one photo of the Denbrough family. Each time it moved to a new one it just zoomed in on Georgie's face.

  "Georgie," Bill said as it started to move up to his mothers face.

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