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  Mikayla had her fingers threaded in Eddies hair as he laid sprawled in the long strands of grass. His head on Mikayla's lap as she attempted to braid the short strands of his hair.

"I can't believe my mom said yes," he muttered as he opened his eyes. Squinting slightly as he stared at the sky and tried to look at her, but failed and closed his eyes to prevent damage from the sun.

She smiled softly down at him. Her heart swelling with sadness for the boy. She understood the feeling of not being able to talk or hangout with your closet friends. It is extremely lonely. You think over lots of things.

"Me neither. I guess it being my birthday really helped," she grinned as she let her hands fall to her sides. Eddie sitting up as he grinned at her.

"Let's go see what Richie is doing! I miss him so much," he said, excitement threading through his voice.

"I wish we could, but I don't want to chance us getting caught," she said with a gentle sigh. Her eyes moving off of his crestfallen face.

"That's okay," he mumbled before standing up and holding his hand out to her. "Let's go do something though. Sitting around isn't really living life to the fullest, especially on your birthday!"

She took his hand and let him pull her up to her feet. Her hands dusting off her dress as she smiled at him. A bird chirping in the distance.

"Do you wanna go watch a movie?" She asked as they began to walk where they dumped their bikes. The semi cleared pathway filled with dry dirt, rocks, and old foot prints that where left from the last time someone came through when it rained.

"I hope this strike on you guys ends soon," Eddie said with a gentle sigh. His uninjured arm lifting up his bike and climbing on. His fingers wrapping around the handle bar.

"I think it will," she said softly before they both set off towards the movie theater.

A/N: I know this is super short, but my like will power to write is high I just hate EVERYTHING I write at the current moment. This a short chapter, and a very unhappy author.

I'll get the next one out soon and it shall be long!


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