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Mikayla stood next to Stan. Her hand still tightly clutching his as they where all yelled at by Eddies mother. Her eyes didn't even stay on the angers woman. They stayed on Eddie. His face smudged with dirt and a clearly pained expression on his face.

"You," she said as she pointed at them. Her car keys in her hand, and purse slung over her shoulder. "You did this! You know how delicate he is!" She said as she pushed through them to her car. One of her arms wrapped around Eddies shoulder as she pushed him towards it.

"We where attacked, M-M-Ms. K," Bill tried to explain, but to no prevail.

"No, don't!" She said as she pushed Eddie into he passenger seat and shut the door. "Don't try to blame anyone else," she added on as she looked back at Bill. Mikayla stayed staring at Eddie. She could tell how upset he was. His eyes by looking up at them. She watched as Mrs. K dropped her keys.

"Here let me-" Beverly started as she went to grab the keys, but was interrupted by the anger mother.

"No! Back!" She said as she bent down and grabbed the keys. A cocky smirk on her face as she looked at Beverly. "Oh I have heard of you Miss. Marsh, and I don't want a dirty girl touching my son," she whispered before turning away from her and digging through her purse.

Mikayla knew not to say anything more to the woman as t would probably result in the worst. Hell, she remembered when Mrs. K called her a slut as well and she had to talk to the woman. Ever since then they..sorta got along? She didn't really know.

"Mrs. K, I S-S-" Bill began before the woman turned sharply around and pointed at him.

"NO! You are all monsters! All of you! An Eddie is done with you. Do you hear? DONE!" she said before turning and moving to get into her car. Eddie letting out a small sob as his mother got in the car. Not daring to look over at her. They all walked onto the street as she drove further away.

"I saw the well," Bill said as he turned around to face them. Suddenly Mikayla felt anger boiling in her stomach. Is that really what he is talking about right now. The dumb fucking clown, when Eddies mother just told them all they will never see him again!

"W-W-We know where it is, and next time w-we'll be better prepared," Bill said with a small smile.

"No!" Stan said sharply. His voice squeaking as he squeezed Mikaylas hand tighter. "No next time, Bill. You're insane!" He disclaimed as he stared at the other boy. Bills face having a stunned look on it as if he was stabbed in the back.

"Why? We all know no one else is going to do anything," Beverly said as she glanced at Bill and then at Stan. Anger clearly in her voice.

"And nether are fucking we!" Mikayla said as she looked at the slightly taller girl.

"Eddie was almost killed," Richie said as he pointed down the street towards where the car had taken off. "And look at this motherfucker!" He pointed towards Bens stomach where claw marks where left. "He's leaking hamburger helper!"

"We can't pretend it's going to go away," Beverly argued as she looked at Ben. "Ben you said it yourself it comes back every twenty seven years!"

"Fine! I'll be forty and far away from here," Ben said, Mikayla agreeing with him. "You said you wanted to get out of this town too."

"Because I want to run towards something not away," she sighed before Richie spoke up.

"I'm sorry, but who invited Molly Ringalong to the group," Richie said as he gestured to Beverly. The other girls hand turned to wards him and flipping him off.

"Richie and Ben both have a docking point Bill. This is ridiculous. We all could have fucking died!" Mikayla loudly stated as she looked at him.

"Let's face facts. Real world," Richie began as everyone's eyes shifted to him. "Georgie is dead. Stop trying to get us killed to," Richie finished as he began to walk away, but was stopped by a very angry Bill.

"Georgie is not dead!" He yelled as Richie back up for a moment.

"You couldn't save him, but you could still save yourself," Richie added on as he tried to leave again, but was stopped by a distraught and angry Bill. Mikayla let go of Stans hand as she took a step forward.

"N-No, take it back!" Bill angrily said as he put his finger in Richies face. "Your scared," Bill said as he looked at everyone, " we al late, but take it back." And with that Bill roughly shoved Richie back. Who then charged back y him to shove him. Bill immediately went to push him back but instead punched Richie in the face causing the boy to fall.

At this everyone began to move to stop the fight, except for Mikayla who was slightly faster then everyone else. She immediately shoved Bill to the ground.

"Don't fucking hit, Richie," she loudly said as the boy began to get back up to shove her back. Ben grabbing Bill and pulling him away as Mike and Stan grabbed Richie as he continued to say how they where a bunch of loser. Mikayla stood in between the two.

"Stop it! This is what it wants," Beverly said as both Bill and Richie stopped struggling. "It wants to divide us. We where all together when we hurt it. That's why we are still alive."

"Yeah, I plan to keep it that way," Richie chimed.

"And It didn't fucking do this," Mikayla said as she turned to face the short haired girl. "Bill fucking did it," she said as she glared at the boy, before walking off towards her bike. Richie and Stan following. Richie ramming his shoulder into Bill as they walked to their Bikes and rode off.

A/N: Mike said one like that whole entire time and it was at the end after Richie and Stan and Ben and ya after they all leave.

anYWAYS, there will be a few chapters in between before Bev goes missing! cool fun!


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