Chapter 5| The truth.

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Instead of visiting Miss Morrison she went straight to the bathroom. She locked herself into a stall and collapsed against the wall. Some may say she was being dramatic but in Emma's mind her life was falling apart. She needed her father and every time he left it only got harder for her. She had her best friend and her mom but she was a daddy's girl and she needed her dad.

About an hour passed and she finally appeared from the stall. She combed the fingers through her long hair and took a deep breath. She walked out into the empty hallway and made her way to 3rd period, History. She turned the corner and just as she stepped forward she saw a body before they slammed into her. She fell to floor and that's when she felt this horrible burning down her front. She looked down at her once white shirt. It was covered in what she thought was coffee but she wasn't 100%. She looked up and saw the boy that sat next to her in class earlier, Neal, she vaguely remembers him but she didn't have time to recount as her skin was beginning to become unbelievably painful. She jumped up and that's when he began to speak.

"Oh Emma, I'm sorry. I should have looked at where I was going." He said bluntly, screwing the cap of his coffee cup back on. Emma shook her hands to shake off the pain but nothing was helping. "Crap this hurts!" She almost screamed. He took a tissue out of his pocket and began to dab it near her chest area. "What the hell are you doing? Get the hell off of me!" She screamed before pushing past him.

Tears were streaming down her face as she ran along the hallway when suddenly she heard a door ahead of her opened up. Mr Jones' head popped out due to all the screaming. Emma just glared at him with tearful eyes as she quickly walked past him. "Emma!" He shouted but no reply, all was in vain.

She walked back into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. She grabbed the oversized t-shirt out of her gym kit bag and rested it on the sink. She peeled off her sodden shirt and began to inspect her front. It was a severe shade of red like fire and she could feel small bumps at the bottom of her neck where she was sure it was to blister. She threw on the red gym top and put her bag back on before finally heading back to her class.

End of day

The bell rung and Emma sighed a relief when sudden she remembered she had a detention with the horrible grouch called Mr Jones. Today had been such a long day it was unreal.

She shuffled her way to where the math classes were before lightly tapping on the door. "Come in Emma" He said loudly. She turned the handle and walked in before taking a seat at the front, closet to the door. She grabbed her maths binder out of her bag and placed it on her desk before taking out a pen.

"How are you then Emma?" He asked calmly, he was ready to get to the bottom of this. "Alright I guess" she mumbled, taking out her workbook and began the work that she didn't complete earlier. She got through the majority of it but the last few questions were a struggle. She just glared at the wall in front when, after a few moments, she felt a tap on her shoulder- causing her to turn. "Need some help?" He asked, she nodded in reply.

He began to explain but Emma became so lost and confused that she gave up trying; she had no effort for anything. He placed her pen back on the desk. "Does that make sense?" He asked hopefully. "Ugh no, none of this makes sense!" She quickly glanced down at the sheet and shook her head left to right. The moment she did that she felt a familiar wave of sadness wash over her, tears were threatening to fall. When things became too much or she became annoyed, she never knew how to cope. But before Mr Jones had a chance to see, she rested her face into her hands.

I froze in that moment, I didn't know what to do. Emma just broke down in tears and now all of a sudden I didn't know what to do. Keep it together Jones, keep it together.

I stood up and walked over to my desk, opening up the draw and grabbing a crumpled sheet of paper. I walked back over to Emma and placed it on her desk next to her elbows, causing her to look up. "What's this about?" I said with genuine concern. She gently picked up the paper and stared at it. "I found this after you left my class this morning..." Her eyes remained on the paper when a sudden tear fell onto it.

Everything went through Emma's mind the moment she looked at the paper. During the class she drew a doodle of her and her dad hugging. To most people it was nothing but to her it was the world. "It me... and my dad." She croaked out a whisper in an attempt to prevent the tears. "Go on." He insisted as he took the seat next to her. "He's going back to war." She finally cried as she turned her head. He remained static for a few moments in an attempt to comprehend the words she said. "I promise you Mr Jones: I did not mean to be so rude to you this morning. I am sleep deprived and clearly an idiot for coming into school in this state. I snapped at you because I'm angry about everything else. I'm so sorry, I did not mean to disrupt or be rude. I'm really sorry." She said honestly with her whole heart.

"No Emma, don't apologise. You clearly have a lot of things on right now and I should have never been one to jump the gun so for that I'm sorry but right now I'm really concerned for you. Talk to me Emma" He said with a begging tone. She looked up into his shimmering eyes and sapphire met emerald. "He told me last night he was going back...To Kazakhstan for 5 months..." Both remained silent for a few seconds. "There's not much to tell, I'm just being dramatic, I'm sorry for wasting your time sir" she mumbled before wiping her tears away. "There's more to this" He said bluntly whilst he glared down at the desk. "W-what, h-how do you-u?" She stuttered, utterly perplexed. "You're some what of an open book Emma; I can see it in your eyes."

Emma remained frozen. "W-what?" She whispered to herself before she finally agreed to finally tell someone the full truth. Little did she know that it would be the teacher she disliked the most, her math teacher, Mr Jones... "I need my dad... sure my mom is there but we don't have a great relationship. I love her but get bug each other out. We're both stubborn." Emma stated. "I can see" Mr Jones said playfully, earning a death glare and a playful smirk from Emma. "Mine and my dads relationship is so different. Mom just get angry and yells horrible stuff and I just have to sit and listen. I hate it, I just need my dad" She cried, sucking back the tears.

For around the next hour they talked and talked, Emma really opened up to him. It made her nervous but it was well needed. She looked at the clock which read 4:30. She got up and threw her bag over her shoulder but instantly flinched in pain when she felt her massive burn begin to throb.

"Hey, Hey. You alright Emma?" Mr Jones asked the moment he saw her discomfort. "Yeah, yeah I should be fine." She lied, it hurt unbelievably. "No Emma you're not. Your neck is red and burnt, I saw what went down earlier. I know what happened." Emma slightly pulled the neck of her red gym top down and you could see a visible line as to where a blister was growing. "Emma!" Mr Jones cried, he was worried for her. "Its fine, I can sort it out myself, I always do. Thank you Mr Jones for everything. I'm so sorry about earlier, never again." She said giggling to herself. She walked out the door and she left school.

The last two sentences she said spun round in Killian's head. What an earth was happening to Mr 'stress-head' Killian Jones...?

A/N: I haven't checked this😂 Some things have cropped up which I needed to sort so sorry if it takes forever to update😂❤️❤️

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