Chapter 23| The Furry Lemon

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This chapters a little different, Comment your thoughts x

Emma POV:

It's Monday morning and the sound of my wretched alarm begins to fill the room. I sighed heavily as I threw my legs out of my warm blankets and made my way to my bathroom to take a shower.

You would have thought that seeing your boyfriend everyday would have its perks but after Friday night Killian just seems, well...distant. I'm lucky if I get one kiss at the end of a text. He just seems out of sorts and I know I haven't seen him physically but I just keep getting this distant vibe from him. I was meant to go and see him on Saturday morning and we were going to have that conversation but just as I got ready that morning: he said he had to urgently go grocery shopping.

I've known Killian for around 6 months now and I know full well that either his kitchen is stocked to the brim with all these gourmet ingredients and spices or he will wait until he's down to one furry lemon in his fridge; and if I am remembering correctly, he had a very large array of spices and his fridge was full so how was an urgent grocery shop needed?

I shook my head as the boiling water touched my skin. I tilted my head back and allowed it to run through my blonde locks as the water tumbled down my skin. Boiling hot showers are always the best; they always help clear my mind and help me to relax, but at the same time I always get so lost in my thoughts.

In some way I was thankful for Killian's (not-so-good) lie because it saved me the embarrassment of that conversation. The moment I asked the question I knew it was a stupid decision. Why on earth am I telling my 24 year old teache- boyfriend that I'm thinking of going on the pill? Like come on Emma, stupid! No wonder he's basically ignoring me, I've probably scared him off now. Job well done Emma! I know that somewhere very very deep in my heart and mind that this was the right thing to tell him but right now it truly did just show how innocent I am in this relationship. I knew that deep down Killian would prefer the talking option over anything because he is a gentleman but right now my brain was so crowded with my naïve judgments.

Before I had time to realise how long I had just been stood static in the shower for, Mom was screaming at me. "Emma get the hell out of the shower you are late and all the faucets aren't working. Get out!" I chuckled to myself, she is such a kind and understanding mother, note the sarcasm. It was mornings like this where I missed Dad the most. Dad... Dad?... Dad?! I haven't heard from him in about a week which is really strange. Usually he would either text or FaceTime me or mom around every 2/3 days so maybe Mom just hasn't told me he called which honestly would not surprise me; but I can't shake this panic. My heart rate quickens and I struggle to catch my breath. I take deep breaths and I try to relax but I can't. It's not for a good 5 minutes before I settle down again into a constant rhythm.What if- No, stop. Nothing has happened to him, he's probably just busy doing his job.

I shake the fear away as I wrap my body in the fluffy towel and making my way to my bedroom. I grab my phone to text Ruby thinking I have a ton of time but I audibly gasp when I see it's 8:15am. School starts in 15 minutes and I have to figure a way to get there quickly because it's a 2 mile track.

I throw on my got-to outfit, blue jeans and red leather, and I make a dart for the door. As I am grabbing my backpack it open the front door and rush out. I'm jogging along a street as I comb my wet hair over the back of my shoulders. I grab the hair tie off of my wrist and wrap it around the hair. I must look a right idiot right now, I laugh to myself; these are definitely the mornings I miss dad.

I take a quick glance at my phone and see that it is in fact already 8:30am. I'm about 1/4 of a mile away so I throw my legs out further until I'm at a sprint. I am finally in throwing distance of the school so I pull out my phone. 8:33am. Three minutes isn't too late I guess. Wait...

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