Chapter 9| Spare of the moment

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Emma POV-

"Emma get up!" My mom screams before I actually have the chance to even wake myself up. I understand that she isn't a morning person but seriously, she doesn't need to spread her negativity at this already terrible hour. 

I groan in reply and grab my phone to switch my alarm off before it scares me later on. I scroll through my twitter feed before finally making the very difficult decision to actually get up. Walking into my bathroom; I take a quick shower to warm myself up as it has gotten really cold here in Storybrooke recently. I cleanse my body with the warm water and my raspberry scented gel before climbing out and patting myself dry with my towel.

I make my way back to my bedroom and I quickly throw on a quick outfit which, surprise surprise, included my signature, red leather jacket. I applied some mascara and quickly ran down the stairs. I sat on one of the stools at the kitchen island and poured myself a bowl of cereal. I've always been a morning person, but never a breakfast person. It makes me nauseous. 

I eat my breakfast and hang around in the kitchen to kill time seen as today, (which I rarely am) i'm early.  I take a quick glance at the clock above the stove which reads 7:30am.  I quickly grab my bag before shooting out the door with no goodbye. I shove in earphones into my phone and then into my ears; switching on my music. 

When I walk to school, I always have a small therapy session myself. I always manage to work all my issues out by just walking. I've started to get into running as well. According to my Dad I have a "real talent" for the sport and that "i'm just like him". 

Speaking of my father, just as I fall really deep in thought there is a buzz in my pocket. I quickly take my phone out of my pocket with my shivering hands and watch the screen light up.

Good luck today princess! I know you have a test today, you'll do great! Do me proud. -Dad xxx

 My breath hitches when I see his contact name but I begin to relax once I've read the full message. An incontrolable smile creeps up on my cheeks. For the rest of the walk my grin remains, but also panic sets in. What if I fail the test? What will Dad think? What will Mom think? What will Mr Jones think!  Wait, why am I bothered about what my ass of a teacher thinks?! Ugh!

When I eventually make it into school I take a seat next to Ruby in the cafeteria and we do some last minute studying. "Hey Emma, you know what happens if we fail this test?" She says with a wicked grin on her face. "Wait what! What happens if we fail?" I stress before I mentally slam myself for over-reacting. "Girl chill, its not that bad. He's just giving us a week of detentions if we fail" She laughs casually. "What do you mean 'its not that bad' Ruby!" I quietly screamed. "Oh my gosh. Quit screaming, its to early. All i'm saying is that maybe its not so bad; you know, spending extra hours with the hottest teacher in school. He's gorgeous Emma!" She expressed eagerly, this girl was crazy. "Ew Ruby he's not. He's a short-tempered ass hole" I complained. "Whatever floats your boat Emma, whatever floats your boat...". In reply to her sarcastic comment I dramatically sighed and roll my eyes. 

Classes went by as slowly as ever and it was finally time for Mr Jones' math class. Through out the day my mind kept wandering to what Ruby said earlier. Maybe staying back for math wouldn't be so bad. Every time I think about it, I feel this wall around my heart get higher. It's hard to explain.

Every time I think about feeling something and push it away. Every girl is thinking this, it's not just you. Which is why I push it away. But something keeps drawing me back. It's him.

He knows so much. I never really open up to anyone, not even Ruby. I guess trust has always been a sacred thing for me so it's just easier to push everyone away. But not Mr Jones, no, for some reason he's so approachable and understanding. An ass, but understanding. Which is why I need to push him away, he can't know anymore about me. He knows more about me than ruby does and he's my freaking teacher!

I snap out of my thoughts when I finally enter his class room. I keep my head low and rush to the back. I take a seat and hide my face with my hair as he hands out the tests.

"You have 30 minutes! I will grade them as soon as you have finished and you will get them back in the morning! Do you understand?" He shouts. Soft mumbles of "yes sir" are passed round before he shouts again, "Get to work and make me proud!" He screams.

I flinch slightly at his screams before hesitantly picking up the pen and begining. I open the page and immediately begin to panic when I see the first question. I had no clue what the question even was!

In hopelessly try to complete the test which I do. None of the answers are right but I tried almost every question.

"Right, times up! Pens down!" He screams before quickly collecting the papers. Whilst doing so, he hands out these little worksheets. I begin to do it but I soon get distracted when I see Mr Jones grading the papers, which makes me panic even more. Ignore him Emma, ignore him. I begin to bite my nails and tap my pen, probably annoying many.

Thankfully the final bell rings and I make an attempt to run for the door but I am immediately stopped by the one person I'm avoiding. "Emma! Stay behind!" He shouts angrily. I freeze and cringe, keeping my eyes tightly closed before turning back.

"What is it Mr Jones?" I ask innocently. His face relaxes but turns stiff. "Here's your paper, I would see you panicking earl. Maybe it will ease your mind" He said sweetly. Wait, how does he know I was panicking?! "Oh thanks" I say quietly before taking the paper out of his hand.

I gasp in shock when I see 'A!' written at the top. "Oh my gosh! Thankyou so much Mr Jones!" I scream before doing something completely unexpected.

I kiss him.

I leap forward and catch him into a kiss as we spin slightly. His soft lips pressed firmly onto mine before reality kicks in. I'm kissing him. I quickly pull away and stare in shock. "I-i-im s-sorry. I-ive got t-to g-go." I run out the door, I can hear him behind shouting at me but I do what I do best. I run.

Im in shock, I just kissed Mr Jones.

And the tears begin to fall..

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