Chapter 33| Home

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I sighed and I crawled out of bed and to the shower. Killian had been off with me since Tuesday night but I couldn't figure out what it was. It wasn't like he was being rude or ignoring me, quite the opposite actually, he was just giving me more attention than he already does.

On the occasion I would take a nap at his house he usually would just leave me to nap whilst he did some work, he never liked to bug me but for the past couple of days I've been tired because of mid-term exams so I've napped every day. I've also noticed that Killian likes curl up next to me and just hold me. He never sleeps but he just likes to wrap his arms around my stomach and snuggle and kiss my neck when he thinks I'm sleeping; I'll occasionally hear him whisper little things like "I love you" or "Sleep tight" under his breath because he think I'm sleeping rather than awake. I would be lying if I didn't think it was cute but something just seemed off. He would leave the room if he got a phone call and he wasn't able to have lunch with me all week which was strange.


The next thing I knew someone's fingers were snapping in front of my face. "Um hello- earth to Emma Nolan!" She laughed as I flinched. I looked up so see a sorry smile and Ruby who was rubbing her sweaty palms. "Hey, can we talk?" She asked quietly, I smiled and nodded so she took a seat.

"What's up?" I asked awkwardly. "I just wanted to apologise for not understanding. Of course you couldn't tell me, and I would never make you choose between our friendship and Mr Jones. I'm really sorry I was just upset you didn't tell me straight away. I'm really sorry and I love you" She said as she stood up to give me a hug. I hugged her back, "I'm sorry too. Of course I should have told you, I'm sorry, just bad timing I guess." I smiled as we sat back down. "Now tell me everything!" She squealed.

I began from the beginning, telling her how I ended up in hospital and how my dad still wasn't found yet. But sadly we were interrupted by the bell. We were finally back to how we're were and I was beyond happy,to have my best friend back in my life, but there was still a part of me missing... my dad.

Luckily the last class was math so for now I just got the focus on the rest of the day before I decided I would speak to Killian at lunch.

And obviously time had to move quick; lunch soon arrived and I was making my way to his classroom when I could hear him talking to someone. "I'm know mate, I'm not a fan of lying to her either" I heard him say. I frantically backed myself against the wall to listen in when I suddenly heard the door handle turn. I set off jogging down the hall as the other person went the other way. I glanced back and saw they were gone but Killian was stood there.

"Come here" He smiled as he motioned his hand back. I jogged back up to him and hugged him as we went into his classroom. "Why are you lying to me? What are you hiding from me?" I asked as I only looked down at my feet. I knew he was lying to me, I literally just heard him say that.

"W-wait. Did you see who just left? Did you know who it was? What did you hear?" He asked frantically. I just stayed silent. "Emma!" He snapped as he held my hand. "Emma please just talk to me." He whispered as he brought his forehead to mine. "Look I'm sorry but right now I cannot tell you. You will find out soon I promise. I made a promise to your f- to a man and I have to stand by it or I might loose everything that matters to me." He explained as his voice choked up and his eyes became glossy. "Hey Killian-" I asked worriedly as a tear escaped his eyes. "Killian what's wrong?" I whispered as I stroked his cheek. He took me by surprise when he wrapped me up in his arms tightly. "I just can't loose my girl"


Final period arrived and if I was being honest, I was in a pretty crap mood. Killian still would not explain to me what the hell was going on and everyone was being strange around me.

Towards the end of  the class I leaned over to Ruby. "Why's everyone being strange? Am I the only one noticing this-" "MISS NOLAN NO TALKING! OUT, NOW!" He barked angrily, causing us all to flinch. "You've got to be freaking kidding me..." I mumbled as I slammed the chair under my desk and paced to the door. Killian opened it for me but a just glared at him.

I walked out into the hallway. "What the actual fu-hell. I literally didn't even do anything-" I started to yell but I was cut off. "Emma, Emma!" He whispered angrily. "What!" I screamed loudly, he was getting on my nerves. "Look..." he whispered as he turned my shoulders down the hall.

My breathe caught in my throat and I felt my legs fall beneath me. I felt Killian pull me up quickly. "Dad?" I sobbed as I saw him at the end of the hall. "Princess" He whispered as he wiped his tears. "Dad" I said as I cried harder.

I crouched down into a ball as I sobbed uncontrollably but I quickly stood up and ran to him. I jumped into his arms as he spun me around. I began to sob into his neck, "I thought to were dead!" I cried as I help him tightly. "I know princess, I know and I'm sorry"

Killian POV:
I looked down at the sight of Emma and her father, it was a shame Alice never got that... I smiled and nodded at Mr Nolan, silently telling him I would leave them in peace. He smiled and nodded back as Emma looked between the two of us and smiled.

I walked back to my class and finished it. I was just just marking some papers after school when suddenly the door flung open. I looked up to see Emma locked the door and pushing her self against it. "Come here" she whispered as I stood up and walked over to her. Suddenly she pushed me against the adjacent wall where she pinned my wrists above me and started kissing me. We got so caught up in each other that we forgot where we were.

"I love you more than anything" She said as a tear fell from her eye. "I love you, I love you, I love you" She rambled so pressed my lips against hers.

"I love you too, so bloody much..."

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