Chapter 8| Im here Swan

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I didn't check this so sorry if there is mistakes, explanation at the end of the chapter ❤️

A few days had passed since Emma and her Moms blow out. No words were shared between the two but it somehow worked. Emma tried to carry on as normal but everything was so different without her dad. She was beginning to miss him even though it had only been a week.

Emma's POV:
It was a Friday and I woke up with a sticky face from all the tears last night. Its the first night I've actually slept in the past few days but I don't know why. Whenever I close my eyes I either think about my dad not being safe or my minds just goes on a wonder.

I climbed out of my bed and got dressed. I combed through my hair and tied it in a ponytail at the back on my head before grabbing a cereal bar. I climbed into my bug and wizzed off to school. This time I didn't even bother going to see Ruby and instead I went to bathroom and locked myself into the isolated hall. I sat onto the toilet seat and pulled out my phone before scrolling through it to pass the time. Sad? Yes I know but when you don't want to talk to anyone then you don't have many options available.

Eventually the bell rung and I made my way to my English class, which thankfully passed quickly along with the rest of the day. 5 classes down, one to go: math. Just as I was making my way along the corridor my phone buzzed for a new message. I slid my phone out of my back pocket and glanced at the illuminated screen.

How's your day going princess. I'll be home soon and know I'm proud of you x -Dad

The tears pricked my eyes before I threw my phone into my pocket again and made my my way to Mr Jones room.

Killian POV:

For the whole day there has been this burning of anger in my gut. Every single one of my seniors failed their recent test. Some teacher may laugh, but to me: this is unacceptable.  Never once in my (short) teaching career has this ever happened, I've always had the highest and most successful pass rate in this school and now it's been tarnished. These kids need to realise that this all isn't fun and games- and if not, they would soon find out.

The bell for last period rings, snapping me out of my burning gaze. Seniors began to flood the seat obliviously, oh boy they have no clue what's coming.

When the last seat is filled I slap the whiteboard pen down onto my desk and take a few strides up the aisle of seats.

"Right" I screamed, causing a few people to flinch-noticeably Emma. "Now I don't know what's happened over the summer but clearly none of you, none of you remember anything. Or even worse, all of you don't know how to study because this is unacceptable!" I pick up the first paper off of the pile which has a giant marker 'F' on it. I show it to the class then loosely throw it the person who's name is on it. "Now I don't care if this is senior year or not. You are still at school and in full time education which means you need to study because I can guarantee you: if you fail, you don't go to college. It's as simple as that!" I shouted, scanning for fear in everyone's eyes.

"However, this does not apply to all. I can see the difference in who tried and who was down-right lazy so I'm giving you all a second chance. First thing tomorrow morning. Exam. Study for it." I screamed once again. "Do you all understand me?" No one replied. "I said: does everyone understand!" I bellowed. Faint mumbles of "yes sir" we're passed around. I rolled my eyes and turned to begin the lesson.


Class end and everyone floods out into the corridors. I have my back to the seats whilst I cleaned the pen off my board when suddenly I hear a quiet voice behind me. "Um, Mr Jones." They say in almost a whisper. I flinch around and she Emma shaking and almost crying? I instantly stop and pull out a chair for her. She rests her face into the palm of her hands and silently cries.

Crouching next to her, I gently grab her wrist and move her hand away from her house. "Hey, hey what's up?" I said kindly. She wiped her fingers below the eyes to brush away the tears and she sniffled. "It's just my Dad, I just feel like something's wrong. He's fine, he's texted me but I just feel like something is wrong" She said with a weak voice. "Hold on, let me stop you. Before you explain, do you care for a hot chocolate Miss Swan?" I said while taking a small bow, causing her to make a swee- a giggle. "Isn't that favouritism?" She smiled whilst she quirked a brow. "Hmm maybe be it is but you seem like you could use it. What do you say?" I smirk. "Fine" she dramatically sighed. "Yes! I'll be back in a minute, make yourself comfy- well as comfy as you can get in those horrible plastic chairs" She laughed again before I made my way to the staff room.

I grabbed two mugs and heaped the chocolate powder into them. I followed it with the water and milk before slowly carrying them back to my class room. I 'skilfully' opened the door with my foot before a bit splashed onto my leg. Emma burst into fits of laughter before standing up and taking both mugs to free up my hands. "Ow, that's really hot" I hissed before laughing myself.

Once I cleaned up my mess I took a seat across from Emma who had her hands wrapped around her mug and was looking down into the chocolate swirl. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked cautiously. The moment I asked, a tear spilled from her eye and she took a deep sigh. I grabbed her the box of tissues off of my desk and handed her the box followed by me saying "take your time" She took another deep breath. "I miss my Dad like hell, my Moms always in a crappy mood and honestly I feel so alone when my Dads not around. I just miss when we were a happy family. I just wish thing would go back to how they once were" she explained.

My eyes kept on attaching to hers, they were so beautiful. Mostly green but they were speckled with blue and brown, making them even prettier than- STOP!

"Well Emma you know what they say, it gets worse before it gets better so you have to look forward to seeing the overall picture. Try to make things work with your mom, but I don't really know how you would do that" I said nervously.

Emma POV:

When he said that I noticed he began to scratch a spot behind his ear and he slightly tensed his jaw. I quickly gave him a small smile ensuring he did not have to explain whatever it is. "And no offence sir but I'm freaking out about this exam tomorrow." I stressed, taking a sip of the cocoa. "Ah yes, I could see it was bothering you" woah, since when did he become so observant?! "Yeah, I just don't get the 3D Trig questions" I laughed.

He grabbed a book off the small shelf and opened it to a page filled with triangles and angles, ugh! Before I had the chance to object he had already began his lecture. But to give him credit, it was a huge help.

After about 45 minutes of studying, crying, ranting and everything else I stood up and made my way to the door. "Thank you Mr Jones, it really means a lot." I gave a weak smile. He may have helped but I still felt so down. "You're a good kid Emma" He gently shook my shoulder and sparks shot up my arm and a blush ran to my cheeks, making my almost run out of the room.


When I got home I FaceTimed my dad and I also studied as much as I could physically take when suddenly it was interrupted my Mom barging into my room. "Where the hell have you been! I we looking everywhere for you!" She screamed loudly. "I was at school. Okay, sorry! Sorry I was trying to get a good grade! I really am not in the move so save your breath and leave!" I shouted back. She looked shocked and slammed the door behind her. Before I had a chance to cry or let my mind wander: I shoved in my earphones and blasted 'The Script' because they always have the best sad songs...

A/N: So Sorry, I've been so busy and I have writers block. When I'm stressed or upset I tend to read instead of write so I've been doing sm reading (fanfics) it's actually unreal. Anyway I didn't spell check this sooooo!

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