Chapter 31| Back To Normal

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Sorry this chapter is slightly boring but it's just a part of the story sorry x

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It was Monday morning and I grumbled slightly when I realised I was back in my own bed for the first time in a few days. Mom has been in Vermont for about a week and a half; she insisted on coming home after she found out I was in hospital but I told her to stay. She clearly needed time to think and take a break from everything with Dad being gone. But today she was back, hence why I was lying in my own bed.

Speaking of Dad, there still was no sign of him. His Field Sargent was really good and kept me updated with any possible news but there still is no sign of him. It still brings me to tears just thinking about it but Killian has constantly cuddled me all weekend. Although things still hurt, I know that when I'm in his arms I'm safe. He's beginning to notice when my hands shake or I twiddle my thumbs that I'm no doubt panicking. He knows to apply that little bit extra amount of pressure when I'm in his arms to prevent any panic attacks or anything.

As for his job, he currently doesn't have one. He has been waiting for Monday to roll around so he can go and beg for his job back. I keep on forgetting that was all this weekend...crazy really...

I sigh and grab my phone before walking over to the bathroom. I glance at my phone and see a message from Killian. Good morning beautiful x❤️ My cheeks begin to cramp and hurt when I noticed I was smiling like an absolute idiot. There was a nervous flutter in my stomach when I began to realise things were starting to go back to normal. I didn't know why I was nervous though, it should be a good thing right?

Once again I was lost in my thoughts so I skipped the shower, combed through my hair into a hair tie and threw on some clothes. I was only a little late but it didn't really matter because I had a free period .

Killian POV:
I rubbed my sweaty palms against my leg as I sat down across from Miss Morrison. Nervous? And understatement. I look like a fool asking for my job back; I had to lie and say I had family issues and couldn't continue my position! How on earth was I meant to turn around and say I no longer had family issues!

"Killian, what are you doing here? I was surprised when you rang me this morning." She smiled as she sipped her coffee. I took a deep breath, here it goes. "I know the chances of you saying yes are very slim and I'm sorry for leaving the position to begin with but-" "Killian-" "Can I ha-" "Killian you can have your job back Killian, of course" She smiled as she slid a pack of papers over her desk. "I just need you to sign these. The position is empty so the students don't actually have a teacher as of now, any chance you could start today?" She asked as she once again sipped her coffee. "Of course, of course. That would be great" I cheered as I slid the papers back over. She smiled and shook my hand as we stood up. "You're a credit to the school Killian" She said as she held onto my hand. "Oh and there's actually a parent that would like to meet you tomorrow after school, is that okay?" She continued. "Of course it is. Thanks a lot" I smiled as I walked out and back over to my car.

The boxes were still in there from Friday. Damn Friday was a rollercoaster of emotions but I soon found myself biting my lip at how the night ended. My little swan wrapped in my arms as we were wiped out from the first time of making love; The absolute content and happy expression etched on her cheeks as we gripped onto each other's shoulders; The sigh she breathed as we hit our euphoric high.

I tried not to think about it but this girl was going to be the death of me. Whenever I am with her I always feel like I am complete. I love everything about that girl from the way she makes snoring seen cute to the way she will only sometimes rub her nose against mine when she needs to feel safe or loved. All of these little things were signals for what she was in need of. I was beginning to learn new little quirks and habits she had and it was just making me fall more madly in love with her as the days passed by. I didn't want to admit it but I knew deep within me that there was something special about her, something I've never felt before, she felt like the one.


I walked into my classroom and set everything back up when the bell rang for second period. My seniors all gasped when they saw me but I just laughed until I saw Emma. A very large smiles spread across her as her eyes slightly watered. "Morning miss swan" I mumbled as I closed the door behind the last person.

"Guess who's back" I laughed which caused the students too. They have probably never seen me so relaxed before but today just seemed to be good.


Lunch soon rolled around and I heard a light knock at the door. I opened it up to see my Swan. "Hey what's wrong?" I whispered into her hair as she cuddled me. "Ruby s-still won't talk to me" she mumbled into my chest, her grip a bit tighter than usual. "Oh Love she just will need time. It's a lot to take in and she's probably just a tad hurt. Try not to overthink this, yeah?" I pulled back. "Yeah" she sighed as she wiped her tears.

We both looked into each other's eyes for a few moments before I leaned in and captured her lips in mine. My hands rested on her waist as her arms snook around my neck as she brought me impossibly close for just a few minutes.

We both pulled apart as our foreheads touched. I felt her nose snuggle against mine and it made my heart flutter like crazy. "I love you Emma, infinite amounts." I whispered as we Eskimo kissed. "I love you too Killian, more than anything"

Boring chapter sorry, at least it's fluff right?😂💕

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