Chapter 40| Red Dress

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5 chapters left; i'm genuinely so sad just thinking about this. So expect so random smut and fluff chapters because the story is basically over but there's some bits I need to finish so please enjoy the next 5 chapters, you guys are amazing.

Thank you for 10k reads!!!


Current date: May (in story)

Emma POV:

I woke up to the sun shining through Killian's balcony doors as the heat radiated through the gap. Very rarely was it warm in Maine so whenever it was hot, it was hot.

I flipped over in the sheets where I was greeted by a sleepy Killian. His hair was a mess, his eyelashes long and dark and his lips slightly apart as his breathing was steady. What did I do to deserve this man? Memories of yesterday came back; him marking me, Mom walking in, our conversation, us in the sheets last night. He was making me happier than any one or thing had ever done, and it was scary. I was beginning to picture him in my future, I could easily imagine it.

My thumb traced along the scar on his cheek and I felt him snuggle his face into my palm. I was getting emotional but I didn't know why "Morning" I smiled as I jumped out of bed before he opened his eyes to me crying. I walked out onto the balcony and looked over the town and at the sunrise. A warm breeze brushed over my skin when I placed my hands on the rail. Deep breaths, deep breaths

Suddenly I felt some very familiar arms wrap across me. "What's wrong?" he whispered before pressing a feather-light kiss to the back of my head. "How did you-" I stared but he cut me off. "You're an open book love." He said and he held me little tighter. "What's bothering you my love?" He asked again and I relaxed into his chest.

"I don't actually know. I just let my mind wander and I guess I just upset myself." I laughed slightly as I brushed away the tears. "What were you thinking about?" He asked sincerely. "Errr- us? I don't know. Collage, the future, what's going to happen to us" I smiled sadly. "It's all going to be alright, we're going to be okay, I promise." He sighed as he spun me around. "I promise we'll be okay" He smiled before leaning in and pecking my lips.

"I'm excited to see your graduation" He teased as he spun me in a dance. "Yeah... 3 more weeks" I smiled sadly. He continued to sway me around the room when suddenly he stopped.#

"Would you go on a date with me?" He asked seriously. "Yeah... if I wanted you to get arrested..." I snapped slightly. "No- like if we wouldn't get caught" He retorted. "Umm yeah of course." I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I'll pick you up at 7 then. It's our first date so dress nice love" He winked as he disappeared into his bedroom.

After around an hour I went home and spent the day with my family before going to my room to get ready. I slipped on a red dress a bought a few months ago, I knew full-well that Killian had a thing for me in red. Then I applied some make-up and curled my hair. You've got this girl.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and I heard Dad answer it and as probably giving Killian 'the talk' . But I slipped on my heals and started to walk down the stairs. Just as I reached the bottom of the stairs Killian cut my Dad off when he say me. He had a blue shirt which made his eyes glow and his features darken. "You look-" He said speechlessly which made me blush. "Absolutely beautiful " I blushed as he grabbed my hand. "Alright lover boy, stop killing me with your charm" I laughed as I gently pushed him out the door. "Bye!" I laughed before walking to his car.

I instantly noticed the direction he was going and it brought butterflies to my stomach. We pulled up at this tiny parking lot and he grabbed my hand and brought me down this path.

After about 5 minutes of walking through a forest it all opened up to a secluded little beech. It was tiny but the water was crystal clear and the sun was beginning to set. I turned my head and saw a picnic blanket layed out, a basket and candles lit throughout the beech.

"Killian-" I whispered as I squeezed his hand. "It's our first date, I want it to be special" He smiled as be brought me to sit on the blanket.

I was still in awe when we started to eat all the delicious little snacks he had made. After that we went 'paddling' in the ocean.

I was gently kicking the water and a bit splashed onto Killian so he made it his mission to get me back. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" I screamed as I ran away from him. He caught up to me and grabbed my waist and flipped me over his shoulder. "Put me down!" I screamed as I slapped his back. I grabbed his neck as he lowered me down but a wave came along and knocked his balance. We both splashed into the water which caused me to laugh uncontrollably.

We figured that we would play around for a bit seen as we were both soaked.

After swimming around for about an hour we were beginning to look like prunes so I walked back up to the blanket where Killian was drying himself off. The muscles in his abs were flexing and I was low-key beginning to die but before I could gawk any more I was being thrown at by a towel.

Killian had brought spare clothes with him so I slipped on his sweatpants and his hoodie. He was laying back looking at the sunset so I snuggled down next to him and we watched in silence before it soon fell dark. I was snuggled into his chest as we both looked at the stars.

"That's cygnus, the swan constellation." He smiled as he pointed it out to me.

Nothing could be more perfect. Getting to spend the evening with my boyfriend stargazing and watching the sunset with him. It felt like a dream, like he was a dream.

Before I even knew it, I was getting caught up in kissing him as he crawled on top of me. We shed our clothes and no sooner than later were making love right there on the blanket, the stars above us and the ocean next to us.

I was beginning to doubt if anything would get better than this.

Was he really the one?

A/N: Sorry its short. Smut chapter next time!

Opinions on the fluff-filled chapter?

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