Chapter 13| What are we?

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A/N: So close to 100 votes! Agh, thank you all so much! Don't forget to vote and comment throughout!❤️

I wake up at around 5:30am by the movement of me rolling my body over once again. Ugh, why can't I just go back to sleep! My head keeps spinning around about what Mr Jon- Killian said. 'Where just friends?!' What on earth does he mean by that? We kissed on multiple occasions and he says we're just friends?! Chill Emma, he probably just said it to avoid the awkwardness. But wait- if he cared that much then he wouldn't have cared what he said.

I sighed angrily and sat up. I threw back my covers and planted my feet onto the ground. I began to pace back and fourth across my floor whilst I bite my nails. Damn Emma! Quit over-thinking all of this. But I couldn't settle, I was too awake now.

I walked over to my desk in front of the window and climbed on top of it. I sat down and crossed my legs. Opening up the curtain, I began to gaze into the moon light. I swiftly opened my window and the cold instantly flew into my body like a ghost so I grabbed my big knitted baby-blanket off my chair and wrapped it around me. I looked out to the coming sunrise as the moon still shone. The sky was filled with stars and the skies were clear, giving me a beautiful view. A slight frost began to settle on the window as winter was approaching and the single whistle of one bird began its morning song. This is why I loved mornings: everything was always still. Everyone was sound asleep and everything was just calm.

I sighed heavily when I realised the sun had risen and it was about 6:30, the time I usually woke up. I had become so lost in my mind that I didn't even think about falling asleep again, this was for sure going to be a tiring day.

I jumped in the shower and quickly got ready but the tiredness already began to take over my so I didn't have the chance to put on any makeup but that didn't matter to much. I grabbed my phone and saw that there was a missed call from an unknown number at 5:40am. I raised a brow but quickly dismissed it.

I left the house and, surprise surprise, mom didn't say anything to me; just to make my day 10x better! I popped in my earphones and blasted my music as I walked to school enjoying the views of Storybrooke.

When I got to school I instantly noticed his car. Damn Emma, just ignore it. Seriously this guy has messed with my mind so much it's unbelievable. But I carried on and I instantly saw Ruby who was running towards me. "Hey! " she shouted. "I was wondering if you would come with me to hand in that math homework that we were meant to do last week, Mr Jones wanted it this morning." She explained. God damnit universe. Why do this to me! "Uh- y-yeah." I sighed. She smiled and grabbed my hand as we walked along the hall when we finally approached his door. Ruby swiftly knocked on the door and I heard the door handle turn. Oh god, here we go! He opened the door and his eyes first met mine. His blue orbs were filled with what looked like sorrow and apology but I quickly brushed it off. I focused my eyes to the ground and I didn't dare look up when he was speaking to Ruby. But it was soon over, Ruby was dragging me back down the hall. "Hey. Em?! What's up? You seem quiet." She asked with concern. "Oh uh- nothing. Just thinking about my dad" I lied. Don't get me wrong, I trust Ruby but sometimes it's easier to keep things to myself.

She smiled, knowing it wasn't the truth but she dismissed it- which I was thankful for. The last thing I needed right now is having to explain to my best friend that me and our math teacher kissed, on multiple occasions.

But sadly the day passed too quickly and my energy was almost non-existent, but I had one more class. Math. I sighed as the bell went and we walked in. "Miss Swan! Come here!" He shouted in an angry tone the moment I walked in. What now. "Yes Mr Jones" I said without raising my head. He stood up and walked around his desk so he was facing me. "Look at me" He demanded in a strict voice. I slowly peered my eyes up and they met his ice blues, making me flinch my head back down. "We need to talk, love" He hissed quietly. "Emma?" He said, a little more worried. "Whatever" I mumbled before taking a seat at the back.

I sat through the class, nearly falling asleep on my arm multiple times. And eventually the final bell rang. I jumped up and dashed out of the class before I made my way through the crowd in the hallways. "Emma Nolan-Swan get back here right now!" I heard a very familiar voice scream. I stopped dead in my tracks before reluctantly turning around, making my way back to his room. I kept my head down as I walked through the door which he soon shut with a click.

"Hey, I'm sorry for shouting. It was the only way to get your attention without raising suspicions. I'm sorry for that" He said as he leaned against one of his desks. "It's fine" I mumbled. "You look tired love?" He stated. "I am" I mumbled, avoiding his eyes.  "I'm not just sorry for that. I came to apologise, for yesterday. You're more than just a friend." He said, his voice cracking in emotion. "If you truly cared then you wouldn't have said that" I spat. He hung his head low. "That's why I did it! I did it because I wanted to make sure that you were okay with it! I didn't want to assume anything incase I was wrong and scared you off!" He raised his voice back.

I froze, realising I should have trusted my heart all along. "Did you get a missed call early this morning?" He asked. "Uh-uh yeah. Why?" I asked. "That was me Emma! I couldn't sleep without knowing what we were and guilt was eating me. It was me!" He shouted again. I froze once more. "Really?" I whispered. "Yes Emma. I can't stop thinking about us!" I paused for a moment, realising I was wrong this whole time. "Us?" I questioned, I stood up off the desk and stood in front of him. "Only if you want. It's up to you." He said calmly, tears burning in his eyes.

I paused once again, truly considering what I was about to get into. "You're my teacher, this is wrong. You could loose your job!" I expressed, my tears also threatening to fall. "Emma, I told you. You care to much for everyone else other than yourself! I would risk my job for you" He said. "Really?" I asked, scanning his face for any lies. "Yes." He responded. "Promise me?" I whispered. "I promise." He whispered back before I fell into his arms. He wrapped himself around me and I rested my head on his chest.

I pulled back and looked into his ocean eyes, analysing every flicker in his iris. "Are you sure you want this?" He asked. "Yes, Killian." I breathed out. "Promise me?" He mimicked me. "I promise." I replied. "Then, will you do the honour and be my girlfriend?" He asked with a big grin on my face, making me giggle. "Of course you dork" I laughed before his lips gently crashed onto mine, sending me back a bit. "My beautiful girlfriend" he mumbled against my lips before kissing my temple and grabbing my hands.

"So, how are we going to make this work?" He asked with a stupid grin which lit up on his face, along with mine. "Let's not worry about that yet. Let's take it as it comes" I giggled before nuzzling my nose against his, our foreheads touching. My perfectly dorky boyfriend. Yeah, I could get used to that...

A/N: Hehe, I low-key killed myself with the feels in that last part. Hope you enjoy it! Don't forget to vote and comment, I appreciate it all!❤️❤️🎄

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