Part 1:

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I woke up, jerking a little. What was happening? I looked around me. Yes, I was in the Salvatore Boarding House. The atmosphere around indicated that. But what was I doing here? I mean I don't remember anything that happened last night; all I could remember was I was walking on the road and the next thing I remember is I wake up in the Salvatore bed! What was I doing here? That question kept playing in my mind and it was driving me crazy. I heard a voice outside and decided to check it out. I tried getting out of the bed. I gasped as I saw my clothes hanging on a shelf. I was astonished as I found myself all clean of clothes. I quickly wrapped the bed sheet around me so that no one could see and walked out of the room. I almost tripped once on account of the large bed sheet that was around me. I saw Damon preparing breakfast. I walked over to the table. "Oh I see your awake. I thought you would take forever to wake up!" he joked. "Yeah right! Cut it out...just tell me how did I come here and what am I doing in this?" I snapped. "Uh, well you fainted on the road so I brought you home. And your clothes were all dirty so I took them out..." he looked at me. I raised my eyebrows and was about to say something when he added, "And I didn't look! Don't worry." "Whatever!" I looked at him. He motioned me to sit, "You might want to eat, I guess..." "Yeah okay," I sat down quietly. He placed a plate in front of me. It was an omelet? "Don't! That's the only thing I could think of..." he said guilty. I laughed, "I appreciate it." He smiled, "I'm glad." I ate my breakfast silently. Well it wasn't that bad. Actually he had prepared it well. There was every possible touch to it. I couldn't hide that I was impressed. He grinned at me as if he could understand what I was saying. I looked at him curiously then finished off with my breakfast. "I think I should leave now." I said slowly getting up from my seat. "No way," he snapped. I looked at him waiting for an explanation. "Well it's cause...umm...because you need to stay, I mean you just got here...Stefan and Elena will be happy to see you..." he said looking at me earnestly. "Oh really! I was planning to meet Elena this weekend but well, if you insist, I'll stay." I said after a lot of thinking. I pushed the chair a little and got up. I walked over to the window and drew the curtain a little, "Your house is always so dark?" "Yeah," he walked over to me. "I like it dark." he added. "Hmm...Pretty creepy, aha?" I asked. "I think." he replied. I chuckled, "Too strange, aren't you?" "May be," he smirked. Suddenly, I realized I was still in the bed sheet. I slowly got up from there and looked around. It seemed to me that Damon had understood my uneasiness because the next moment he unbuttoned his white shirt and gave it to me. "Oh! Thanks..." I said taken aback. "I think you need it more than I do." he smirked. It was a pretty big shirt I realized, almost up to my knees. I asked lamely, "Do you have an extra pair of pants?" It was stupid. He would have dozens of them. He went inside his room and brought one out, "Here." I looked at it. It looked pretty new to me. I slowly walked inside the room and changed into the clothes. His smell filled the air. It was all mixed with AXE or another, strong cologne, I thought. It was pretty dazzling. I felt I could smell it and smell it till it evaporated from the shirt. I shook my head and went out. "You look..." he started."Bad?" I guessed. "No...I was gonna say cute." he added to my astonishment. "Oh! I am wearing a man's shirt and pant and you say that I look cute?" I said amazed. "Those clothes suit you actually. They look pretty good on you...too..." he added in his usual Damon-self. I looked at him. He was still shirtless, I realized. His body was hot, I couldn't help but notice. "Umm..." I shook my head from my fantasies and started telling something. "I'll go put something on." Damon said. I looked at him, "Okay." Just as he went, I heard a doorbell. I ran up to the door and opened it. "Well hey!" Stefan said rather taken aback at my appearance. "Hey...Damon's gone to change so I opened the door..." I said smiling. "Oh...did you and he...?" Stefan started. I stopped him in mid-tracks, "Of course not! Damon tells me that I fainted and he brought me here..." "Oh," Stefan looked at me. "Next time Stefan you should check the..." Elena came from the back looking in her purse. "Oh!" she looked at me, "I didn't expect you to be here and this early..." I smiled, "Just a small incident which led me here." Damon came from the behind, "Oh Elena and Stefan! You're here...I was just telling Kristen that you people were gonna show up." "Yeah. Kris was telling us about how you saved her last night." Elena jumped in. "Well yeah," Damon looked at Stefan. "Umm...Damon, I need to talk to you." Stefan said looking back at Damon. They walked inside the room as I and Elena sat down on the couch. 

Third POV: 

Stefan looked at Damon as they entered the room, "Why does it look to me that you're hiding something from me?" "I umm...well her house burnt actually...I dunno what she was doing but she was cooking up a storm. So I saved her." Damon said raising his brow. "Are you sure there is nothing more?" Stefan asked again. "Nah...nothing." Damon replied. "Then I'm sure you can tell me why did she forget everything?" Stefan questioned. "Uh...well...I compelled her..." Damon said widening his eyes. "And why would you do that?" Stefan asked. "Cause well she needed to forget...I mean, you dunno girls, they get eccentric if they know about something..." Damon replied. "And why would you care?" Stefan folded his arms. "Well cause she's a human. And I...whatever...I can't have this conversation now..." Damon muttered. "Wait a minute...why are you getting so touchy on that topic? Is something going on, Damon? Is there something I should know?" Stefan asked. "Nay...nothing you need to worry about. It's just another girl I saved." Damon said raising his eyebrow. "Wow! You've changed! From a killing spree to a saving spree? Is something the matter with you?" Stefan questioned. "Touché. You got let's go?" Damon asked irritated. "You like this girl don't you?" Stefan asked. "No!" Damon said.

A/N: Ello, there! I'm surprised you took out your time to read this story! I wrote this story out of boredom and now I've over 10,000 reads(if you're wondering if I edited this after writing a few parts, then you're right.) The thing is I didn't feel like writing a note back then and I was new to wattpad. I might've written quite a few stories before but sharing it with others is somewhat new. So yes, I was inexperienced in being a good author(as in writing notes and all) but now, I'm experienced and you'll find author notes in almost every chapter after I guess 6-7 chapters. Till then, I was just posting for the sake of it but now I like to share stuff with you people and in turn I like to get feedback. So if you liked this story, feel free to press the vote button and also don't forget to comment!:)  

PS: I kind of edited this chapter too. There were a lot of "..." But I think I've lessened that to minimum further on so it shouldn't be a problem :) Keep reading and commenting! Means a lot :) 

I might as well leave now! Bye!

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