Her Assets

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The story will begin to pick up it's pace next chapter onward. So please look forward to it! :)

This chapter has NOT been edited.


I sat in the entertainment room in the hospital, crying over the sad love story as Mrs. Combs tried to console me.

"B-But I d-don't understand," I cried. "Why did he have to die!"

"It's alright, deary," Mrs. Combs wiped my tears away. It had been about three days since I had become her Ward Grandmother and in three days alone we became the best of friends. Well sort of. 

"The world is so cruel," I pouted. 

Today Mrs. Combs really wanted to watch a romantic movie from her childhood. I didn't think much of it and picked out the first movie I could find. Mrs. Combs loved it and said it reminded her of the days when the world was much more romantic. I had to agree with her on that one since the dialogues in the movie seemed a million times more passionate than the dialogues in the movies these days, but unlike her, I hated the movie. The movie was about a couple who met abroad a ship and started having an affair on the ship despite both having partners off the ship. In the end, the female character's partner found out about the affair and killed the main lead. It was a pretty sucky story line but the romantic aspect of it was the really good. What I hated the most was the fact that I was supporting the cheating couple. 

"I mean, he deserved what he got. They should have first broken up with their partners before falling in love with each other. This is so sad," I cried. 

I was so busy crying into Mrs. Combs shoulder that I hadn't realised we were no longer alone. 

"How are you so unaffected by this?" my question came out muffled. 

"Do you mind passing me those tissues?" Mrs. Combs asked.

"What tissues?" I asked as I lifted my head off of her shoulder. It didn't take long for me to realise she wasn't talking to me but to the third body in the room.

"Why are you here?"

"Why are you crying?"

"You must be River," Mrs. Combs said, "I have heard a lot about you." 

I turned to Mrs. Combs with wide eyes. Did she seriously just say that? I may or may not have told her some things but that was only because I was describing everyone she may come across at the hospital. 

Mrs. Combs made eye contact with me before continuing, "Only good things of course." 

That was a lie. More than half the things I told her were all the different ways River Yates frustrated me. 

River chuckled before taking a seat beside me, "I'm sure about that."

 Mrs. Combs checked the time before groaning, "Looks like it's my bed time, kids."

"I'll take you," I said as I helped her stand. 

"That's really not necessary. My legs still work perfectly fine," she smiled. 

I cleaned the entertainment room after making sure she was fine to really go by herself. 

"Why were you crying?" River repeated as he watched me clean. 

"The movie was sad," I frowned, another wave of tears threatening to fall down. 

River looked beyond confused. 

"You were crying over a movie?" 

"Don't judge, you rude human! Some of us feel sad when we see people die, fiction or not."

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