Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
The rookies of the marching band. There was quite a few of them. Ryan is one of them, and although he isn't a freshman he is still new to the marching band. Some rookies join marching band later in their high school career; like Ryan. Ryan is a sophomore, but he is also new to the marching band. Nicholas is also new to the marching band, but like Ryan he is a sophomore. I know Nicholas from last year for he was in my band class. We played trumpet together, and he helped me become a better musician. He was also my friend. Nicholas marched trumpet in the band. Jared is also new to the marching band. I mean, he was in marching band before coming to Went Worth, and technically he is a junior. But I always thought of him as a sophomore or a freshman. Jared plays sousaphone. Austin is a freshman and new to the marching band. He marches clarinet. Gabriel is new to marching band and he plays tenor saxophone, and he is a freshman. Vincent is also new and he marches trumpet. I also know Vincent for he was in my Chinese class last year. He always talked about joining marching band in that class. Athena is also a new member in the marching band, but she is a sophomore. Because she has back problems, she couldn't carry an instrument like the baritone, and so she had to play in the pit for marching band. Oscar is also a new trumpet player in the marching band. I was kind of wary about him at first because I remembered last year when he quit indoor. I thought the same might come to him, but he didn't quit. Oscar is a sophomore. Victoria is new to the marching band. She marches alto saxophone, and when she heard about the low numbers of guard members in the marching band she talked her sister; Annabel to join. I convinced my friend Ashley to join guard. Ashley is in the guard, and she's a sophomore. But she's still new to the marching band. Anthony is also new to the marching band, but this time he's a freshman. He plays the drum set in the pit. McKenzie is new to the band. She's a senior and she marches the clarinet. Bryce is new to the band, he marches the cymbals in the drum line. Alberta is also new and she's also in the drum line. She's a freshman. Or at least, I thought she was. Alexis is a new member, and she joined guard later in the season. She's a freshman. Julia invited her sister to join guard also later in the season. Her name is Hannah and she's a freshman. Amber is a freshman, and she later joined guard in the season. She is also a freshman. Logan is also new to the band, and he's in guard. The only guy in the guard. But at least he gets along with everyone. He's also a freshman. Allison is also new to guard, and she is a freshman. Ethan is also new to the drum line in the marching band, and he is a freshman.
Guard members. We first started out with only one returning guard member, and that was my dear friend; Elizabeth. I invited Ashley to join the guard, and so she did join guard. Then as the season went on, we got more guard members.

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