Chapter 34

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Chapter 34
The next day I woke up bright and early. No one was at the school at this hour. I couldn't even go in the band room if I wanted to for it was locked. The whole school was probably locked; I probably couldn't even get into the halls of the school. But I had another idea; a crazy and wild idea. It was the type of idea that might as well wake up the whole neighborhood, but I didn't care. As long as I didn't get the cops after me; I'm fine. I was going to the football field, for it was just outside the gates of the school that were probably locked. But if I think about it there was one issue with that; the football field itself has a gate. But if it was open; I could sneak in and practice the baritone. This idea was mad, but it's worth it! I'd do anything to gain that confidence level that I so desperately need for not just my section, but for my band. And not just any band, it's my band family! I'm doing this for my own good, and for the marching band! I need to do this so bad.
I sneaked downstairs; I was trying to be as quiet as a mouse, but I thought I saw something. No; not something, someone. Someone was on to me, and now I needed to act fast, and run down the stairs quickly, quickly! But not too loudly. I tried to run as fast as I could, but just before I opened the front door, I thought I heard someone call for me. Was it William? Or Drew? Or both? Or perhaps my whole section? But I must not reply; I must act as if I'm asleep and still snuck in bed. But then I saw a light switch on, and I had no other choice but to run outside!

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