Chapter 40

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Chapter 40
"You would make a better brass captain than me," William said, but at the very last second something seemed to change in his appearance. He seemed to be glitching into a robot form with the creepiest smile I have ever seen on his face. His eyes glowed red, and he reached out his robot hand towards me. Then he called my name several times. My breath shortened, my heart started to pound and pump faster and louder. Then I saw the most scariest thing I ever saw; Johann and Isabel with their dead zombie faces reached both of their hands towards me. They both had claws instead of fingernails, and they both seemed to claw their way in my direction. I saw Mr.Smith with fangs and his red eyes shone in my direction.
"I'm so thirsty for blood!"
"NO," I screamed.
Then I heard everyone calling my name, and everyone seemed to be coming after me. Nicholas laughed the most sincerest laugh I have ever heard come out of his mouth. Claire seemed to have a wand in her hand and she had an evil like hat on that seemed to have given her powers to do evil things. I walked backwards; away from my section; away from my band. Benjamin seemed to have both fangs and claws, and he seemed to be transforming into one hell of a beast.                                                                                                                                                 I started to run away, and I never looked back. I kept running, and running. But then William jumped out in front of me, but he wasn't himself. He looked like the Golden Freddy from Five Nights at Freddy's. I screamed in fright; William was terrifying! I made a left turn and ran from him as fast as I could. Drew, Brandon, and Stephen seemed to have changed figure too. Drew was another vampire, and Brandon was another werewolf. Stephen was a wizard, but he had a pretty evil look in his eyes.
"You betrayed us!"
  I shrieked out of fear as I ran faster, but Stephen seemed to have cast a spell in front of me. He set fire before me, so I couldn't run any further. I ran back, but William, Brandon, Drew, Stephen, Claire, Alex, Benjamin, Mr. Smith and his son, Andrew, were all after me. Andrew was a vampire too! They were right behind me. "I have to jump," I told myself. I ran back towards the fire, and I closed my eyes as I jumped over the fire. Ashley seemed to be a zombie as well behind the fire.
  "Why can't you just leave me alone, and let me be?"
"No, you betrayed us!"
"You don't belong here," Claire said in an evil voice that caused my spine to shiver uncontrollably.

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