Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Tarpon Show

Man Vs. Machine was the title of their show. Tarpon played their show awesomely as always, and they blew me especially away. Tarpon's show started off with a trumpet solo playing the words; "I'm only human," from the song; 'Human,' by Christina Perri. Then a robotic voice over the speakers spoke; "Action succeed. Emotions?" The band all laid down on the field. The next thing you hear is a sound that sounds like something rejecting one thing from a robot. Everything got settle and quiet. "Human alienation," the robotic voice over the speaker spoke once again. The band members seemed to be separated by two groups; one was the human beings, and the other was the robots. Most of the robots dominated over the humans, but afterwards they all shut down- except for one. The band seemed to have slowed down by a little bit. Even the drum major slowed down his conducting. The very last thing that we hear and see is a symbol crash as one of the band members knocked down one of the last robots on the field. The crowd went wild. Everyone in both sides of the stands; front and back of the field all cheered standing up as the Tarpon Band marched off the field

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