Military (HIStory era)

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Michael has been in the army for around 2 years now. You have both been together for 3. He is hardly ever home, so the time spent together is sacred.


You shuffled downstairs, hurriedly dressing in tight light skinny jeans, a black floral shirt and small black heels. The postman knocked three times upon the door and you opened it straight away, startling him. Michael always wrote to you once a week, every Saturday. Today was Saturday which means...

"Letter for Miss Y/L/N." he glumly said, looking freezing in his unfortunate brown shorts.

"That's me!" You replied in earnest, practically snatching the letter from his hands. Once he had driven away you closed the front door, walked through to the small kitchen and sat down on a wooden chair, arms resting upon the dining table. Excitedly yet nervously, you begun to tear the paper, revealing a short letter written in Michael's curly cursive.

To my dearest darling Y/N.
How are you sweetie?
I miss your exquisite beauty, your kind heart and your comforting words.
Baby girl, I just wanted to say...

The letter simply finished abruptly, leaving you happy, upset and confused all at once. What did he want to say? Suddenly the door was knocked upon again, making you huff in annoyance and stomp to the front door feeling as though you are about to cry. You turned the brass handle, swinging open the door to see the only man you ever truly loved.

"Michael?!" You gasped, watching him grin in delight. He looked different. Beautiful but different. His skin was slightly lighter, his already slim frame was even skinnier but had a muscular build and his distinctive curls were now waves. Michael's smile stayed the same, his lips open widely, turned towards his ears and his bright white teeth lighting your heart on fire. You loved the way his perfect nose curled and crinkled when he smiled, although his eyes held a sadness to them, like a man with a troubled past.

His military jacket suited him, the fitted trousers with a stipe accentuated his strong legs, the jacket with gold details looking sharp which , of course you only thought this to yourself, really turned you on. Hey, a girl gotta admit these things! His black, shiny shoes sparkle in the light, finishing the outfit off.

"I just wanted to say how much I love you." He breathed softly, holding out his arms for you. You jumped into him and he let out a small grunt as he nuzzled into your neck. You had your arms around his head, your chin on his crown. "Baby girl, I'm only here for today, I have to go back tomorrow." Michael admitted unhappily, his hot breath vibrating against your skin.

One day was better then none.

"That doesn't matter. I'm just happy you're home."


(5 hours later)

You had sat down for 5 hours talking about your lives, and how different they seemed from before. Stories of war haunted Michael, it wasn't hard to see. He is too gentle for this, you know how much his heart breaks every time someone even mentions war. Still, on the flip side, he was promoted to sergeant. That's why his uniform looks so different, although he wants to fight with the others properly, to save and protect them.

Since it's dinner time, you begin to busy yourself in the kitchen but Michael gently pulls you away. "Let me do it baby." He insisted, guiding you back towards the chair and begun to make some pumpkin soup. You watched how he made everything with love and care, humming as he did so. A piece of your heart leaves with him, for he completes you.

"What?" He giggles innocently, the childlike side surfacing again, as he notices you staring at him. "Nothing." You smirked, as he stirred the soup, getting a spoon and taste testing his work. "Mhmmm! That is good, even if I say so myself." He brags, making you laugh.

Carefully, he sets a bowl down in front of you and sits opposite with his bowl. Outside was beginning to darken quickly, the perfect night for soup! You tried a mouthful, feeling the pepper and pumpkin glide down you throat. You moaned slightly in bliss, Michael is an excellent cook.

When you looked up, Michael was watching you with wide eyes, swallowing heavily. The dim lamp was the only thing lighting the room, everything else was dark. "What did I do?" You asked worriedly as Michael studied you.

"Trust me Y/N, you've done nothing wrong. It's just... I never noticed how sexy you look when eating." The words glide smoothly from his mouth and into the air, making you blush profusely. "In fact, I had forgotten just how sexy you are baby." Michael stands up slowly, making his way to your seat. You shuffle up, and he perches on the edge, his big manly hands rubbing against your jeans, making you hot and sweaty. He stares at you with lust in his eyes.

"Make love to me Y/N."


Authors note: P.S it's yours and Michael's first time. Also there will be a part 2 (mature content so yeah, enjoy!)

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