Cheater (This Is It Era)

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(You now live in Hayvenhurst and recently rumours have circulated about Michael cheating on you with a woman called Lisa Marie. They both denied everything and naturally you trusted your boyfriend, even defending Michael in public, yet the rumours continued.)

"Mmmm baby, come lay next to me." Michael groaned softly from the silken sheets. Grinning ear to ear, you obeyed and snuggled up to his warm chest, feeling his big, soft hands run through your hair. Darkness poured through the windows and you could hear Katherine, Joseph and Rebbie moving around downstairs. Everyone else had resided to their rooms.

You soft pink nightie barely reached your thigh (you knew it was driving Michael crazy because his other hand begun to gently stroke your thigh and play with the hem of your gown. His soft brown curls bobbed slightly as Michael started to move closer to your body. You giggled at the intense look on his face, he was biting his lips so hard you were surprised it wasn't bleeding. "Lisa baby, the things your doing to me girl." He moaned softly into the dim lamplight of the bedroom.

Your blood ran cold and every muscle tensed up. Your mouth turned dry instantly, causing you to pull away from Michael in shock. "W-what did you say?" You whispered to him, watching his brown eyes narrow in confusion. "Baby, what do you m-mean?" Michael stuttered, a red flush reaching his cheeks.

"What. Did. You. Say?" You hissed through your teeth, Michael's covered chest heaving fast.

No reply.

"You're a Jerk, you know that?" You felt tears begin to fill your eyes. "I trusted you Michael, defended you, gave you my all. YOU F****** USED ME." Anger exploded, making you scream at him, not caring who heard. Your heart was breaking into a thousand pieces.

Michael had his mouth wide open in shock and he jumped from the bed, running over to you, who was currently chucking anything you could find at him. "Y/N, please baby-" he croaked, tears falling from his eyes. "Don't baby me. Don't even dare." Your eyes of steel made contact with his guilty ones. That was the moment Michael knew he had lost your heart forever.

He whimpered like a child, curling up into a ball on the carpet and balled his eyes out. But you didn't care. You wanted to get away from his lies. Quickly, you flung the bedroom door open only to see surprised faces staring at you in sorrow. Each member of the Jackson family were stood at their bedroom doors, silent as ever. Janet was staring at you with pity on her face, same as the brothers.

Fighting back more tears, you ran past them all and escaped into the cold air of the night. The Hayvenhurst grounds were huge, big enough to hide in the canopy of trees. Climbing the tallest one, you rested against the huge, calming trunk, observing the night sky. Stars twinkled away joyfully, the moon watching over you like a guardian. Tears dropped into you bare legs, you still only had a nightie on. Sniffing loudly, you began to choke on crys and shiver violently.

Lisa Marie?
After all I gave to him?
My life has been devoted to him.
Were your thoughts of the hours.

Suddenly, after a good three hours, a rustle of leaves was heard. You didn't look though, you simply continued to admire the view. "Hey little sis." The kind, jolly yet saddened voice of Jackie was heard and something soft and warm was draped around your shoulders. Looking down, you saw a big, white dressing gown (jackies favorite one). He always bought a smile to your face.

"Talk to me sis." He crooned, edging closer to you. Your heart exploded to him. "You've heard the rumours Jackie, about Michael and L-Lisa. Well, they are true. Michael cheated on me." You licked your lips sadly, hearing Jackie gulp in dismay, his small Afro bouncing slightly. "I feel like an idot Jackie, I really do. I believed him, trusted him. Everything I had, I gave to him-"

"Shhhh." Jackies big, warm arms enclosed around your body, your head resting on his shoulders. He comforted you for hours on end, listening to the stories and lies.

(Michael's pov)

F**k. What have I done. Why?
Rushing to follow Y/N, I noticed all my brothers and sisters have gathered around, seeing and hearing everything. Great. Y/N slammed the door behind her- leaving us all alone.

"You messed up real bad, bro." Jermaine shook his head in disappointment, making my heart sink.
"I know." I whispered in reply, watching him turn his back and walk away.

"Michael, Y/N doesn't get upset for nothing, you know. You'd better have a good explanation." Janet asked, hands on her hips. "I don't. Give me time." I answered with regret, watching her turn her back and walk into her room, closing the door.

"You hurt Y/N, I will make life hell for you mike. That girl has been true to you mike, she is the best girl we've ever had around in this house. She's my sister." Jackie narrowed his eyes, following Y/N.

"Brother. I can't believe it." Tito murmured, shaking his head in sadness, walking downstairs with Jackie.

Randy simply scoffed and dragged Marlon away, shooting evil looks as did LaToya. She simply patted my back and walked away.

Rebbie sighed, not knowing what to say. "You make her happy again Michael. Can I trust you so do that?" She whispered, walking away.

"You hurt Y/N real bad. She was a good girl. She became part of this family, boy. You better put this right again, before the press find out." Joseph warned sternly, towering over me and walking away.

"What's happened to you Michael. This isn't my boy, my boy was a sweet, good boy. I trust in you to make this right, but I'm going to stand by you all the way. You and Y/N can make this work, ok?" Mother dear pulled me close and I smelt her comforting scent. "I'm sorry mother, I'm so, so sorry." I cried and howled everything to her, having the worst night of my life.

Michael Jackson imagines (HEAVILY EDITING) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora