Story of love

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Dedicated to/ idea by TheMJPrincess

It was the middle of the night, the only source of light being the iridescent moon beaming through the curtains of yours and Michael's bedroom. Michael's legs were intertwined with yours, his upper body curled so that his head was rested on your chest as one hand gently rubbed your stomach. His jet black curls tickled slightly and you could faintly see his eyelashes tapping his cheeks each time he blinked. He breathed steadily, warming your body to a perfect temperature as you softly ran your fingers through his curls, rhythmically soothing his beating heart. You noticed his head rise slightly each time you breathed in, his lips curling into a small smile each time you did so. You simply lay on the soft mattress, observing Michael in the silence of the room. He was thinking, you could tell- his eyebrows furrowed like they always do each time he thinks. But you didn't know what was on his mind.

After a few moments of silence, Michael hummed quietly, the vibrations of his voice tickling your skin. The song was instantly recognizable, a smile spreading across your face. "I remember that perfectly you know Y/N. I remember your beautiful eyes staring into my soul and reading my every thought as we danced. I felt connected to you, completely. My new wife." He sighed lovingly as he reminisced about your wedding day, now drawing little hearts onto your stomach as the sheets made little noises as you adjusted your legs to feel closer to Michael. "How time flies baby. That felt like yesterday. The day the most beautiful human on the planet became mine. And that night..." you whispered into the darkness, feeling Michael gasp a little before he began to chuckle. "Y/N! Your embarrassing me!" You felt his hand move and you knew he was going to touch his nose; a habit he had whenever he felt nervous or embarrassed. You could imagine how red his cheeks were becoming... his cuteness almost unbearable.

"I wonder what the hotel staff thought when they saw the state of the room." He giggled upon remembering the sheets and pillows ending up everywhere, the curtains being slightly ripped and the bathroom soaking wet. You remembered having to give the hotel an extra £250 to replace certain aspects of the room. "Oh god, don't remind me." You closed your eyes, still feeling embarrassed even all these years later.

"You know Y/N..." Michael whispered before shifting his body, the sheets rustling as you felt his legs being placed either side of you until he was straddling you, his hands either side of your head as his face was directly above your own. His curls draped onto your forehead and cheeks and the soft glow from the moon highlighted him licking his lips intensely before smiling his beautiful smile, teeth gleaming and eyes crinkled, his outline contrasting the dark background of the room. "For my entire life you have been here. Through the good times, like our marriage and the first time I laid eyes on you, our first date, us buying Neverland, meeting princess Diana, thriller being released." He paused thinking of all those times. "And the bad." He slowly added. "Like my vitiligo and us arguing and when we found out about the children thing... and of course the." He inhaled sharply, the force behind these rumors still hurting him. "The allegations." He finished.

A moment of silence was shared as you both breathed simultaneously in silence remembering those ridiculous charges. Michael stared deep into you eyes, his hand reaching to your cheek as he caressed your lips with his thumb. "And for that I love you." He finally reached down to touch your lips intensely yet in a caring manner as sparks erupted in the pit of your stomach. He was everything you wished for and even though you have been together so long, you still feel as though this was the first kiss. Michael softly pulled away only to leave little kisses over your cheeks- slowly and delicately, as though frightened you would break. "I love you too." Was all you had to say to make you both smile, the memories remaining deep in each other's minds and hearts.

The pure story of love.

Michael Jackson imagines (HEAVILY EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now