Waking you to work (Invincible Era)

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The cold, bitter wind blew around your legs, as your feet crunched through the fresh layers of pure, crystal snow. Even wearing a blouse, jumper, coat, jeans, scarves, boots and gloves you were still freezing. "You still cold darling?" You turned to see Michael smiling tenderly towards you; his brilliant white teeth matching the snow. His curls were draping elegantly onto his vibrant red coat, and his chocolate colored skin had a beautiful tinge of red too (due to the cold).

"A little bit." You replied goofily, raising your voice above the wind. The roads were clear due to the ice and snow, so no one was around to spot you and Michael. The brilliant, sunshine reflected from the ground onto your faces, lighting them in an ethereal fashion. Slowly, still stepping carefully on the pavement, with frosty air willowing from every breath he took, Michael came closer; until his arms were brushing yours. With heat radiating from his skin, dancers body, his big, gloved hand reached delicately for yours, clapping it gently- as though it was the most precious pearl.

"Better?" He grinned, raising his eyebrows.

"Much better." You replied with a sweet sincerity , thanking god for this wonderful creation he had gifted you with. Suddenly, as if by magic, intricate, dazzling flakes on snow began to fly from the clear sky, covering you and Michael; as well as the ground and trees. Luckily your work place was just coming into sight.

As you two reached the wrought, iron gates, through the blizzard you saw a large sign that read,

Due to the snow, the workplace will not be open for the rest of the week. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Michael, slowly turned to you, squinting in the snow, to see your blushing face. "Perfect. I get to spend the rest of the week with my baby girl. Come on, I don't want to waste a single second."

Then he turned, still holding your hand, and sped through the snow, dragging you along, running at full speed. He was Shrieking with laughter as you cried out for him to go slower, although he would have no mercy.

It was times like this you strived, lived and breathed for.

Michael Jackson imagines (HEAVILY EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now