Done (2, This Is It Era)

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"Can I make sweet, sweet love to you Y/N?" Michael groaned into your ear.


You knew he wanted that comfort of being close to you again, reassuring him that your marriage was fine; no one was leaving or hurting the other one.

But it was too late.

"No." Was all you managed to cry, feeling Michael's arms tense around you and his muscles tighten. The water in the bath felt cold and lifeless; echoing your heart. "I'm sorry... what did you say?" Michael whispered heartbrokenly into the uncomfortable air.

"I said No Michael. You can't treat me like dirt for months, put me down and slap me about and expect me to lose myself to please your desires. In a couple of days you'll forget these empty promises and begin again, leaving me looking like a fool for staying." You spat, more tears falling down your pink cheeks as Michael let go of you, his arms trailing limp in the water. The water makes ripples as you climb out of the bath, leaving Michael lying there with his head in his hands, and quickly you wrap your body into an oversized towel. Taking one last look at your ex husband, you hurried into the other room, changing into jeans and a shirt, leaving your hair loose and damp. Finally, you packed all the belongings scattered over the place into your case and trudged downstairs.

Hearing Loretta in the kitchen, making pizzas with the kids, you quickly made your way over to them, Loretta's mouth agape as she realized what was happening. "Thank you for everything Loretta, I have your number- can you drop the kids to me once I'm settled somewhere? Please look after them for a couple of days and we can arrange you working for me, if you would want." You mumble to Loretta and she nodded eagerly, giving a sad smile. "Of course Y/N. good luck..." she squeezed you tight in a small hug, letting go as Paris and Prince ran up to you, tomato base sauce on their hands. You drop to your knees, pulling them both in a tight hug towards your chest.

"Are you leaving us mummy?" Paris squeaked, gazing into your eyes. "No, no, I'm not leaving you guys, ok. Mummy needs a small holiday and she is going to buy a better home then this, one with lots of fun things for you guys, yeah! In a couple of days we can move into that hone together, ok?" You sighed, ruffling their hair. "And daddy too?" Prince asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Ermm... no Prince. Daddy's not coming. But you can still see him every week, everyday if you want." You offered, another tear falling as you stood up, grabbing your case wanting this to be as painless as possible.

"Mummy!" They cried as you walked towards the door, blowing them goodbye kisses. This change was going to make their lives better, although it might hurt now, it will be better, you sternly reminded yourself. Just as your hand touched the brass door handle, a weak, high pitched voice stopped you.

"Y/N?" You turned to see him, hurriedly dressed in old rehearsal clothes and his perfect face bruised as though he punched or hit himself with something in anger. His big brown eyes flickered in confusion and sorrow, as he realized it really was over. His big, rose colored lips wobbled and he began to sob, Prince, Paris and Loretta joining in.

"Goodbye Michael." You uttered, and with that you were away, Bill escorting you to a new beginning, away from Neverland. Away from Michael.

Michael Jackson imagines (HEAVILY EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now