Awkward situation

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(You, Michael and your son, Elvis decided to stay at hayvenhurst and join the family gathering.)

"Morning baby." Michael hugged you from behind, hands beginning to massage your shoulders gently. You were sat on the large oak table in the noisy dining room, helping yourself and Elvis to pancakes. Elvis, only aged 4, was stuffing strawberrys into his little mouth, Katherine and Janet looking and giggling. Michael was a little late for breakfast as he had looked so adorable sleeping that you didn't wake him.

"Stop doing that in public Michael!" Jackie teased as Michael blushed softly, letting go of your shoulders. "Daddy!" Elvis squeaked excitedly, getting up and running over to him. Michael picked him up and twirled him in the air before settling him down to eat again. Choruses of 'awwws' circulated at this cute moment.

Katherine was watching with pride as the family gossiped; watching Michael and you laughing, joking and looking after your son. She thought you were both truly beautiful; Michael with his red face from sleeping, curls in a cute messy bun, you with curly, wild hair in the mornings and fresh face. She was thanking god for her beautiful grandson too. As she looked around the table, she saw her three gorgeous young women joking with their brothers. Rebbie, gossiping with Latoya, who was playing with her hair. Janet, teasing Randy and smiling their perfect white smiles. Jermaine, Jackie and Tito making up drum beats and guitar solos for their album. Marlon playing with Elvis, sneakily feeding him chocolate chips when you and Michael weren't looking. Joseph, reading the news paper quietly, looking up and showing a small smile at the family. Even though the constant chatter and banging of cutlery was enough to give anyone a headache, I wouldn't miss this for the world; she thought to herself.

Michael's pov

Suddenly I felt a small tap on my arm, and I looked down to see Elvis looking up at me with your eyes. He had my brown skin and small Afro, mixed with your cute nose and eyes. He was perfection...

"Daddy?" He whispered, pulling me closer to him as the family continued eating breakfast. "Yeah buddy?" I replied, heart bursting with love for him. "Can I ask the family a question?" He continued, smiling eagerly.

"AHEM." I coughed loudly, gathering everyone's attention, including Joseph. My heart beat a little faster, hating being the centre of the family's focus. I saw you look up at me, catching the breath in my throat. "Elvis wants to ask you something." I spluttered, continuing to eat as you gently rub my thigh soothingly, our son on the other side of me. Everyone continued eating, scraping their plates as they listened to Elvis.

"I have a question." His sweet little voice asked politely as the family nodded and urge him to carry on with encouraging noises. "What does the word h- h-" he stopped cutely, trying to pronounce the word. As I reached out to take a sip of water he finally managed the word. "What does the word horny mean?"

Coughing, I spat my water out and your grip tightened on my leg. The rest of the family dropped their cutlery with loud noises and Jermaine had his mouth wide open. Randy looked amused, almost proud, as Janet looked on with wide eyes. Rebbie and Latoya were frowning as Jackie and Tito exchanged glances. Josephs paper had been lowered to show his stern face and mothers face was bright red, as was yours.

"H- how did you hear that little guy?" Jackie politely tried to make the situation easier for everyone. "Oh." Elvis paused, crumpling up his face, trying to remember. "I heard daddy asking mummy loudly if she was horny, when I was trying to get to sleep last night." He grinned triumphantly, proud he remembered.

My heart stopped as the whole family stared. Blinking rapidly and blushing heavily, I bowed my head to look at my hands which were desperately fiddling with each other. I heard you breathing shallowly, fingers pinching you nose, for we were both embarrassed beyond compare.

After minutes of deathly silence Jackie spoke again. "We will tell you when you are older, ok buddy? For now, how about we visit a chocolate factory huh?" He asked, standing up, the chair scraping the floor as Elvis nodded eagerly. Everyone else stood up, Randy winking at us but we sat still. They emptied the room, mother gently squeezing our shoulders, Janet smiling at us and my other brothers winking too.

Finally everyone had gone.

You turned to me, still adorably red. "Oh my goodness!" You whispered, aghast.

"I know." Was all I could manage to reply.

Michael Jackson imagines (HEAVILY EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now