Worthless (Bad Era)

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Currently you and Michael were at a hotel, for he was on tour here and you were wiping off your mascara, feeling that you looked disgusting.

"Oh my gosh..." you heard a soft, whispery voice gasp and you looked around to see Michael leaning on the bathroom door, simply staring at you in the mirror. His pale skin contrasted his beautiful curls perfectly and pearly white teeth were biting his rosebud lips. Confused, you furrowed your eyebrows at him in the mirror.

"Sorry. It's just..." his brown eyes looked down, before he stepped closer behind you, breathing heavily on your neck. "You look beautiful, Y/N. I like it when you have no makeup on and shove your hair into a messy bun. It makes me fall more in love with you everyday" he mumbled shyly, left hand softly touching his cute, upturned nose and right arm still around your waist, almost protectively.

Your breath slightly faltered. How can this man be cute and hot at the same time? You noticed his eyes studying you in the reflection, trying to read your mind. Slowly, your cheeks heated up and you blinked quickly, turning your head away and burying your face into his shoulder.

Michael giggled sweetly, gently poking your arm. "Y/N?" He cooed in his beautiful high voice of his. Shyly, you turned to the mirror again, seeing his brows furrow slightly as he noticed tears threatening to fall from your eyes. "Y/N!" He desperately put both hands on your waist, turning you away from the mirror. He quickly got onto his knees, never breaking eye contact with you. His hands were now gripping your wrists as he began to breathe heavily, concerned.

"What's wrong? Y/N, what did I do? I never meant to hurt you... please God, say I didn't hurt her." He spoke quickly, his voice choking up with tears, reminding you of a child, scanning your face and body hopelessly looking for answers. "Please Michael, stop. It's ok. Please stop caring so much." You blinked again, your tears ready to fall as Michael deflated, letting go of your wrists sadly. He crumpled to the floor, leaning against the bathroom wall, head bowed into his hands, which were resting on his knees.

"I don't understand." He whispered.

Your heart broke as you felt awful. You sat down next to him, resting your head onto his warm shoulders. You felt him sigh heavily. "It's just... I don't know how you manage to continue telling me I'm beautiful all the time, I just don't see it. Michael, I'm ugly.... my hair is puffy, my nose is massive and shiny all the time and my face has spots all over and I'm fat and disgusting and I just... I just hate myself Michael! I've always hated the way I look but you just don't see it." You mumbled, sniffling and hiccuping loudly.

Michael raised his head to stare at you, as though you were mad. "Of course i don't see it Y/N! I thank god for giving you to me... you're the girl that all the guys stare at whenever we go out, even if your only wearing jeans and a shirt. You're the girl that every guys wishes they could take home and simply hold you, the way I do. You're the girl who all my brothers want, the one who makes them feel jealous of me for proving to them that I am good enough to deserve a beauty like you. You're the girl that every single other girl envies and wants to be like. You're the girl who all the magazines want plastered on the front page. Y/N, I don't care if you have 'shiny skin' or spots. You are beautiful and not only on the outside but on the inside too. Your kind heart radiates throughout your smile, throughout your gorgeous laugh. My life would be worthless without you Y/N. So don't ever say those disgusting words again in my presence... you hear me?"

His toned arm snaked around your shoulders, protectively, lovingly as you shook your head quickly, heart aching and pounding from his beautiful words he spoke.

Michael Jackson imagines (HEAVILY EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now