Catcalled(HIStory era)

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"Ready baby?" Michael asked as he covered himself completely with a new disguise. You nodded eagerly, dressed smartly in a pencil skirt (black and white), black tank top, black tights and a velvet black jacket (think BAD jacket). To top of your look you wore some 60's looking ankle high, heeled white boots. "My baby looking damn sexy today." Michael complimented cheekily, adding ray bans over his disguise, making you giggle.

It was your first interview with him, and once at the studios, Michael would take off the disguise. It was to avoid the paparazzi but no doubt they would already be outside the TV studios.

Forty minutes later: Television studios.

Michael opened the black Mercedes Benz door for you both, holding your hand supportively as you clambered out, trying to maintain some modesty as The paparazzi continued taking pictures with blinding flashes. Bill was desperately trying to hold them back as Michael slipped a second pair of ray bans into your clammy hand.

"It'll stop the flashes damaging your eyes." He explained, shouting desperately over the noise.

"Mr Jackson, how is your and Y/N's love life going?"
"We've had reliable sources claiming you sleep in separate bedrooms." Millions of new accusations were thrown at you and Michael, although you kept your heads down, continuing to fight towards the door of the building. Their lies are ridiculous- of course me and Michael sleep in the same room, we are married! You thought angrily to yourself. Michael squeezed your hand sympathetically to calm and soothe you, whilst dragging you through the mob.

Suddenly, one mans voice stood out from the rest. "Hey Y/N! How about you turn around so I can get a good shot of your ass baby, I'm sure it'll make the front pages. It looking damn tight in that skirt you wearing girl. How about you ditch Wako Jako and come and see what real pleasure feels like?" You blushed a bright shade of red, looking up to see a wicked man with his camera. He had an evil look in his eyes and his voice and comment had made everyone stop and stare at you, to see what would happen. You felt extremely vulnerable and weak and your heart pumped fast as he lifted up his camera, angling it towards your butt.

Michael's voice screamed out in rage and everyone turned to watch the scene unfold. His jaw was set in stone, eyes blazing as his disguise had been long discarded in the struggle. Michael rushed towards the man with the camera and began wrestling with the man, knocking him flat to the ground. "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU TALK ABOUT MY GIRL LIKE THAT. FUCK YOU! SAY ANYTHING YOU WANT ABOUT ME BUT HOW DARE YOU TREAT MY GIRL LIKE THAT. FUCK YOU." Michael was punching this guy around the face and blood was dripping from the guys nose and Michael's knuckles. In one swift move, Michael stood up, towering above the man and dropped the camera to the ground, smashing it to pieces with the heel of his lofer.

"You come near us again and I swear you won't live to tell the tale." Michael threatened the guy, rushing over to you, taking you by the arm and rushing into the building. The heavy door slammed behind you guys and Michael simply collapsed, sobbing, heart wrenching sobs.

"I'm sorry Y/N, he was just saying all these vulgar things to you, and I just imagined him touching you with his grimy hands and I couldn't help it. You were so vulnerable and I hated the fact he could do that to you or anyone. Baby, forgive me, please!" He sniffled, holding his head in his hands.

"Oh baby." You whimpered, rushing to hug him, rubbing his back tenderly. You took his hand, gently rubbing his raw, bleeding knuckles and kissed them softly, making him flinch slightly. "It's ok, I understand. That man was frightening me and if you weren't there, heaven knows what he would've done. You saved me." You both giggle softly. "You must've been pretty angry to swear like that though Mikey." You teased, watching his cheeks redden.

"Don't remind me..." he whispered, embarrassed as you kissed his cheek. You both decided not to do the interview and instead spent the day talking and cuddling in your room at neverland.

Michael Jackson imagines (HEAVILY EDITING) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن