The Letter (Xscape Era)

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Small droplets of water soaked the slightly yellow with age envelope as your shaking hands pulled it from a box underneath the bed that you and Michael once shared. Settling down on the golden gilt bedcovers, you read the neat cursive that you knew so well.

To my beautiful darling Y/N

Turning the flimsy paper over in your palm, you began to wonder how it became that this paper would be something left of yours and Michael's lives together. You remembered the day he gave the letter to you, in that tiny room with just you, Michael and the vicar.

"I wrote you a letter. But, you can't open it until I am gone. I know, its depressing, but there will be a day that I can't hold you in my arms, see your smile or love you with every piece of me. This is what that letter is for. Y/N, I love you my sweet angel. I'm never going to let you go..." Michael's voice faded softly, and the memory was gone as soon as it had appeared.

Holding back heart wrenching sobs, you undid the slightly sticky adhesive, unfolding the paper until all you saw was curly writing and the smell of his faded cologne, making you feel weirdly sick. Not like an illness; more like homesickness. Homesick for the only man you ever loved.

If you are reading this, then I know I have passed. But don't worry, I am at peace with God. I hope that by writing this, I am giving you a piece of me, a source of comfort for you to cherish and hold.

What can I say?
You were my life, my love, my inspiration. Just to think- nobody thought that we would last. I am writing this two days before our wedding, and I can only imagine how angelic you are going to look on our wedding day.

How did I become so lucky?

I fear death. Not the concept of the afterlife, for I know it will be time for me to take my place with God, but I fear loosing or leaving you. Just know that earth was obviously not meant for me; too many soul destroying devils wanting me for my fame or money.

But not you.

You were my light in the darkness. My hope in despair and destruction. With you I could make it another day. Y/N, I believe that something or someone is coming for me. Something that will destroy my career, image and most importantly me. I fear that I will be betrayed and hurt. I just pray, please baby, for me; find the truth. Find out what caused me to leave you and make sure justice is done.

Be at peace with my death.

You are never alone baby, remember that. I will look after and care for you in heaven. One day, when your time has come, you will join us and we can finally have a truly, happily ever after, just like those thousands of Disney movies we would watch on repeat. That's why I created Neverland, for me and you to relive those fantasies and dreams we strived for. Most importantly, I built it for you. I wanted a magical place for you that breathed life and so that you could feel my presence even when I'm away on tour or, one day, gone forever.

Even though I am gone, you have to live Y/N. live your life to the full, for me. Do things I didn't have a chance to do.

If we have any children, tell them about me. Tell them everything, especially the parts about us. About how we laughed, shouted, cried and loved endlessly. Most importantly, tell them their daddy loves them forever.

Please, tell mother dear, and all my brothers and sisters I love them so, and remind them how eternally grateful I am for their support. Remind the fans just how much they meant to me, and baby girl, I'm trusting you to release all previously unreleased material of mine to the fans. Don't let any record companies screw them over, we both know they will try.

Money, that's all them big guys want. Speaking of money, all of mine goes to you, mother and our children, first and foremost, and the rest that comes in from onselling albums is to go to the Heal The World Foundation. I know how much love and affection we had for those kids and I pray and have Faith that you will continue our legacy and remember back to the early days, when I had an Afro and you backcombed your hair.

You know, 'I Just Can't Stop Loving You', was meant for you. I wrote it and imagined us singing it on the Bad Tour. You always were a stunning singer, baby girl, yet too shy to follow the dream I know is deep inside your heart. Do it for me Y/N. Become a singer. If you want, you can record your voice in I Just Can't Stop Loving You- I know it's your favourite. For the rest of my days, I'm going to leave a tape of this song in my bedside cabinet, ready for you to record. It's ready when you are.

Go get them baby. My beautiful, compassionate, sweet, loving, hilarious, darling sweetheart.

I believe in you....

All my love, forever and always.
Your husband, Michael Joseph Jackson.

Now fully crying, you kissed the name that he signed, summing up his words perfectly. With, red tired eyes, you leant towards Michael's side cabinet, peering inside for the first time in your life. Inside was framed photos of you two, lockets and notes from when you both were young, and most importantly, a tape entitled 'I just can't stop loving you Y/N.

Clutching the black rectangle desperately, you held it sincerely to your heart, thanking Michael deeply for everything. Time to make him proud, you thought to yourself determinedly, blowing a shaky kiss to the heavens where you knew he was watching over you, like the guardian angel he was always supposed to be.

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