Spiders and Snakes

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(Boa Hancock x Reader) this one sucks btw.

"Lady Arachne is here." A woman said.

Hancock raised a hand. You walked in cloaked in a long cloak that trailed behind you. You limped slightly getting her attention.

"Leave us." She said.

The women left the room as you sat on a pillow. Once the final person had left you pulled down your cloak hood. She smiled warmly to you.

"Hello my dear." She said.

"Hancock, still as beautiful as the last time we had met." You said.

"Twenty two years."

You nodded, "That mark still burns my skin."

Opening your cloak, your lower body was a spider form. Where you had missing a leg. Boa perked up to that.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Oh just some pirates. I'm fine."

"Sure you are. What is the band that had done this to you?"

"Boa it's fine. I have a few to spare."

"The punks who had hurt something dear to me shall suffer."

You sighed, "The Donquixote pirates."


You nodded, "They wanted to know how I get here without causing a scene. And awakening the monsters under the water."

"You could of told them. I don't care if they-"

"I couldn't get you hurt. I love you Hancock, I couldn't let those bastards take you from me."

She sighed, "I thank you then."

You smiled stumbling to get up. You approached her handing her a part of a vivre card.

"If you ever need to find me."

She took the card pulling you close. She kissed you softly before pulling back slightly.

"I'll always find you.

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