chapter 7

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every week for the next three months, at 6:00 friday evening, a bag containing groceries, diapers, toys, a bouquet of flowers, and a note would be dropped off at tyler's doorstep.

this week, it read:


work is going well. i'm the manager now.

let me know if you get tired of the carnations. i'll get a different kind of flower next week.

i love you. still.



i just realized that i've been telling you to let me know if you need anything for the past three months and i didn't give you my phone number.

it's xxx-xxx-xxxx.

just shoot me a text if you ever need anything.

anything at all.

ok NOW i love you. still.'

tyler was giggling. "such a dork," he said, rolling his eyes as he laughed.

but, he couldn't help but feel the slight flutter in his chest at the words 'i love you.'

healing.//joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now