chapter 16

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"ty, baby! we've gotta go!" josh called up the stairs.

"coming, honey!" tyler responded, waddling down the stairs with his large suitcase by his side.

"let me get that, baby," josh said, taking tylers suitcase and carrying it to the car, loading it up. "ready?"

"yes, but what's the rush, baby? the flight doesn't leave for three hours."

"it's an hour drive, we've gotta go through security, and we gotta make sure that we get any secksual needs outta the way before we get on the plane!"

tyler blushed and giggled, shaking his head at his husband. "whatever, jishwa."

"let's go get our honeymoon on," josh grinned, picking his husband up bridal-style and carrying him to the car, both boys giggling.

they drove to the airport, getting through security, all the security guards smiling widely at josh as they saw what was in his backpack when they scanned it. josh smiled back, wrapping an arm around tyler and kissing his cheek as they put their shoes back on.

"well, we made pretty good time," tyler said, checking his watch. "we still have an hour and a half before we board."

they sat down in their seats at the terminal, tyler pulling out his laptop and doing work as josh rested his head on his shoulder and watched.

an hour later, the flight attendant announced they were now boarding their 'newly engaged guests.'

tyler smiled as he heard that, always loving when couples got engaged. "who is it?? i bet they're so cute!"

"well, baby," josh smiled, lowering himself to one knee in front of his husband. "i'm hoping that it's us..."

tyler's eyes widened. "joshua..."

"it can't be a honeymoon if there was no engagement," josh smiled. "it's all set up for when we get there, ty. all you have to do is say yes, and we'll be married tomorrow. i love you so, so much, tyler. more than anyone has ever loved anything. every day i dream of marrying you all over again, and i thought that tomorrow, we could get married, so it's a full, real honeymoon. what do you say, baby?" josh asked, reaching into his backpack and pulling out a gorgeous band. "tyler robert joseph-dun, will you do me the absolute honor of marrying me again?"

tyler was grinning from ear to ear, tears streaming down his cheeks as he quickly nodded. "yes, joshua! of course!" he exclaimed, everyone in the terminal cheering for them.

josh smiled and slid the band onto tylers finger, standing up and pulling his husband/fiancé up with him, kissing his lips deeply and raising his arm as a way to say 'i did it.'

he then picked tyler up and carried him onto the plane, the boys having first class tickets. tyler, however, wouldn't stop kissing josh, only pulling back for a few seconds when he was desperate for air. but josh didn't mind at all.

the entire first half of the plane ride, the boys snuggled, kissed, and whispered softly about how much they adored the other.

the second half, tyler slept, and josh held him. though, eventually, josh fell asleep too.

they woke up a few hours later, just as they arrived in paris.

"here we are, baby," josh smiled. "the city of love."

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