chapter 11

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"u-um... w-would you still like to go out with me?" josh asked quietly the next day.

tyler smiled and nodded. "i'd love to."

"i-i thought maybe we'd go down to the boardwalk," josh said. "b-but only if you want to."

tyler nodded. "that sounds great, joshua."

"a-also, w-what kind of flowers do you like?" josh asked with a shy smile.

tyler blushed and smiled shyly, looking down at the ground. "carnations."

josh grinned and nodded, quickly gathering his keys and wallet. "bye," he said, sweetly kissing josh's lips before scurrying out the door.

"bye," tyler giggled.


"what should i wear?" tyler asked his husband as he looked through his closet.

"you'll look stunning in anything," josh said. "but as far as style, i'm just wear skinny jeans. whatever's comfortable, baby."

tyler blushed and smiled shyly. he dressed in black skinny jeans and a short sleeved blue button-up.

josh dressed in black skinny jeans and a gray sweater, his pink, fluffy hair falling in perfect curls atop of his head

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josh dressed in black skinny jeans and a gray sweater, his pink, fluffy hair falling in perfect curls atop of his head.

josh dressed in black skinny jeans and a gray sweater, his pink, fluffy hair falling in perfect curls atop of his head

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"you're so gorgeous, ty..." josh smiled, extending his hands out to his husband, spinning him around.

tyler blushed and giggled shyly, hugging josh tightly for several minutes.

then, josh pulled out a bouquet of fifty carnations, handing them to tyler with a wide, adorable grin.

"awww, joshie! there's so many!" he exclaimed.

"i wanted to get more but that's all they had," josh said.

"you're so sweet," tyler smiled, leaning forward and kissing his husband's lips. "thank you."

"anything for my hubby," josh grinned, wrapping an arm around tylers shoulders and walking with him to the car.

they arrived at the boardwalk, josh quickly getting out of the car so he could open tyler's door for him. tyler blushed and smiled, taking josh's hand and walking around with him.

"bet i'd beat you in that shooting game," josh smirked, pointing to the booth that had two basketball hoops set up.

"oh, honey," josh sighed. "that's where you're wrong."

"how so?" josh asked, raising his eyebrows.

"who was the three-time state champ in high school?" tyler grinned, getting up on his toes and kissing josh's lips. "i don't think it was joshua dun. it was the other one."

yep. tyler was a three-time state basketball champion. he received several offers from colleges all over to play for them.

"how about we see if you've still got it?" josh smirked.

"you're on," tyler grinned.

they raced over to the booth, handing the worker a few dollars and starting to shoot as many baskets as possible.

every single one of tylers went in.

all of josh's did as well.

except for one.

"i win!" tyler giggled, bouncing up and down.

josh couldn't help but laugh at how adorable his husband was, tickling his sides before hugging him tightly.

"who woulda thought the gay boys would have the best scores of the night?" josh giggled as he looked at all the previous scores of the players before them.

tyler giggled and hugged his husband tightly, nuzzling into his neck.

josh smiled and hugged tyler tightly in return, gently rubbing his back.

this was what josh should have been doing before.

taking tyler out, having fun with him, telling him he loved him and showing the public they were each other's.

they then noticed it was getting pretty late, so they headed to the ferris wheel as one final activity for the night.

tyler sat in josh's lap, straddling him, his arms around his neck. he pressed their foreheads together, looking down into his husband's eyes.

"i love you, baby," josh said, his hands gently rubbing tyler's sides.

"i love you too, joshie," tyler smiled. "thank you for the best night i've had in a while."


"that was so fun," tyler smiled as he crawled into bed.

"mhm," josh hummed, wrapping his arm around tyler.

tyler eventually ended up on top of josh, kissing him deeply.

and, for the first time since their second year of marriage, josh kissed back. he kissed back hard.

he wanted to be even closer to his husband.

and tyler did too.

they pulled back and looked into each other's eyes. after a minute, their clothes were coming off.

they were now both naked, tyler sitting on josh's lower abdomen. josh traced his husband's gorgeous tattoos with his finger, telling him absolutely everything he thought was beautiful about tyler.

tyler soon leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to his husband's lips, his eyes closed slightly.

his bottom lip was soon between both of josh's, his husband sucking lightly. he had always been a good kisser.

at least, when he would let tyler kiss him.

josh then rolled over so he was on top of tyler, kissing from his lips to his chin to his arms, chest, belly, and thighs.

"you're so beautiful, ty," he mumbled against his skin. "i don't know how someone can be so perfect."

tyler brought his husband up to his lips, mumbling against them. "you're so handsome, joshie. so cute yet so hot."

josh closed his eyes lightly.

to him, tyler wasn't the only one he'd had sex with.

but, for tyler, josh would forever be his one and only.

josh had fucked two other people several times throughout their marriage whether it was while tyler was asleep or at the grocery store.

once, it was even in the very bed the were about to do it on.

"i-i can't," josh said. "i-i can't..." he started crawling off his husband, putting his clothes and shoes on.

"w-what?" tyler asked. "d-did i say something? joshie please don't go."

"i can't do this to you, tyler. it isn't right," josh said, starting to walk out their bedroom door.

"josh..." tyler said, his voice weak due to his sudden sobbing. "j-josh i'm sorry..."

what was he apologizing for? he didn't do anything.

but josh was gone.

so, there laid tyler, naked and sobbing in their bed, wondering what he did to make josh leave.

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