Chapter 24

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"Are you excited for dance class, JishJish???" Ruby asked as she waddled out in her tutu.

Josh smiled and nodded. "I'm so excited. Are you excited?"

Ruby grinned widely and nodded.

All three of them loaded up in Tyler's car and drove to Ruby's dance studio, all the other girls in her class running up and hugging Tyler.

"Hey, guys!" He smiled, hugging each and every one of them. "How're you??"

Once they all went back into the room where they actually rehearsed, Josh spoke up. "How do they all know you?"

"Nobody else's parents stay to watch them so they decided that I'm their 'dance dad.'"

That's when Josh noticed they were the only two people there.

"S-so you just sit there for two and a half hours?"

"Cheering them on, yeah," Tyler said.

"Wouldn't you rather be doing something else? Don't you have other stuff to do?"

"Being honest, yes and yes. B-but I wanted to make sure Ruby had support here a-and the other girls wanted it too."

Josh smiled softly. "You're an amazing dad. Do you know that?"

Tyler shrugged. "I'm really nothing special."

"What? You're everything special."

Tyler shrugged, bringing his knees to his chest and watching the girls dance, clapping each time they performed something new.

"Do you wanna maybe have like... like a date night type thing tonight after Ruby goes to sleep?" Josh asked a little while later.


Josh nodded, and it was awkward silence again.

About an hour into the class, Josh reached over and grabbed Tyler's hand, intertwining their fingers.

It felt good. It felt natural.

A few minutes later, he looked over to see Tyler struggling to stay awake. "Do you want me to go grab us some coffee? I saw a Starbucks on the way here."

Tyler looked up. He was going to shake his head no, but he then remembered that it was important to Josh that he let him do things for him. "Yes, please. That sounds great."

"Venti latte with extra caramel?" Josh asked. He had never forgotten Tyler's Starbucks order. It'd been the same since they first met each other.

Tyler nodded, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a 10 dollar bill, handing it to Josh.

"What? Baby, you don't need to pay me."

"Starbucks is expensive."

"We're also married, so..." Josh said, taking his debit card out of his wallet. "I've got this. I'll be back in a few minutes. I love you."

"I love you too," Tyler said quietly.

Josh returned with the coffees as well as two cake pops. "They has the chocolate ones and I know they're your favorite so I couldn't pass 'em up."

Tyler smiled shyly. "T-thank you."

Josh smiled and nodded, returning his hand to Tyler's and continuing to watch the dance class.

Once it finished, Tyler told all the girls they did a very good job. He stayed until each of their parents arrived, every girl hugging him goodbye and saying she'd seen him next week.

Tyler, Josh, and Ruby then headed home, Tyler making dinner while Josh and Ruby talked and colored.

Once Ruby was asleep, the boys had a sort-of game night, where they basically just snuggled closer on the couch than usual and watched a movie while they ate candy.

Tyler ended up falling asleep in Josh's arms, the first time since the disaster honeymoon. Josh smiled softly and kissed his forehead, bringing pillows and blankets for him to sleep on the couch on.

"Goodnight, Tyler. I love you. You're beyond amazing."

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