Chapter 22

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"Um... Ty?" Josh asked. "W-Wait. Tyler, sorry," he quickly said. He had forgotten Tyler had asked him to just call him Tyler from now own.

"Do you wanna maybe g-go out to dinner with me?" He asked. His therapist had told him to slowly start trying to get back into the swing of romantic things.

"Can Ruby come?" Tyler asked quietly.

"I-I was thinking i-it'd maybe just be more of a you and me thing, b-but she can come if you want."

After coming home from the disaster honeymoon, Tyler hadn't trusted anyone but himself to be with Ruby. Not Josh, not Jenna, no one.

"I-I want her to come," Tyler said.

Josh nodded. He really didn't want Ruby to come because he couldn't be romantic with a baby trying to hit him the whole time. But he then had to remind himself he was also Ruby's father. It was his job to love her no matter what.

"O-ok. I-I can't wait. The reservation's at seven," Josh said.

Tyler nodded and went back to Ruby's room.

Three months since the disaster honeymoon and he still hadn't slept in the same room as Josh.

He and Ruby were closer than ever. Even though she was only two, he felt like his daughter was his only friend anymore.

His husband was like a stranger, Jenna had moved away. Nobody was there for him like Ruby was. She always snuggled with him and told him she loved him.

They all got ready for dinner, Tyler holding Ruby as he waited by the door for Josh.

But Josh never came.

Tyler sniffled and just went back to Ruby's room, both of them changing back into their comfy clothes before snuggling on the couch and watching a movie.

At eight o'clock, Josh entered the living room.

He opened his mouth to say something, but his phone rang before he could. His face dropped as he heard the woman say she was assuming he wasn't going to show up to his dinner reservation.

"O-oh my god, I-I'm so sorry," he said to Tyler. "I-I completely forgot."

"It's okay," Tyler said quietly before picking Ruby up and starting to walk back to her room.

"Ba- Tyler," he said. Tyler didn't want any nicknames at all. They made him feel uncomfortable. He only wanted to be called Tyler by Josh. "Maybe we can go to Taco Bell o-or something. Does that sound like fun?"

No, it didn't. But Tyler shrugged. "W-we can go right now," Josh said.

"HA!" Ruby yelled frustratedly. She had seen enough of the weirdo with blue hair for today. "HDKAKJDJ!" She babbled, making wild gestures towards the stairs, signaling she wanted Josh to leave. Even though she was quite young, she could sense when the guy was making her daddy sad.

Tyler just hugged her tighter and told her it was okay. He lightly bounced her in his arms as he held her. "I-I think I'm just going to go to bed."

"O-okay," Josh sighed. "A-are you sure you don't want the master bedroom? Ruby can sleep in there with you too. I'll just sleep on the couch."

Tyler shook his head.

"I-I hate that you're sleeping on the floor, Tyler," Josh said.

"I-it's Fine," Tyler mumbled before turning to go to bed.

"Goodnight, Tyler. I-I love you," Josh called.

"Bye," Tyler said quietly, closing the door to Ruby's room and holding her tightly. He missed his old life.

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