chapter 14

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"you know what i think we should do?" josh grinned as he sat on the end of their bed.

"what?" tyler asked, jumping onto his husband's lap and giggling, kissing all over his face.

it had been three months since they decided they'd forget everything, and they hadn't been happier.

"we should make a sexy bucket list," josh giggled as he held his husband's hips.

"a secksy bucket list?" tyler giggled.

josh found the way tyler pronounced sexy adorable. "yes, baby. a sexy, or in our case, secksy, bucket list."

"ok," tyler giggled, jumping off josh's lap and going to find a piece of paper. "got some."

and so the making of the 'secksy bucket list' began.

-steamy make-out session
-by candlelight
-only foreplay
-sweet nothings
-dress to impress
-just like the first time
-secksy photos
-tyjo's choice
-jishwa's choice
-no hands
-trail of kisses

(ideas from


first up, they decided to do trail of kisses. it was a saturday, so tyler didn't have work. josh went to the store, and while he was gone, tyler set up a trail of hershey kisses all the way from the garage to the living room coffee table where a box of pizza sat.

it wasn't the type of trail of kisses josh was expecting, but he found it adorable.

absolutely adorable.

tyler grinned as he went downstairs to find josh sitting on the couch, running up to him and hugging him tightly. "did you like the trail of kisses????"

"mmmhm," josh giggled, pulling his husband into his lap. "sooooo secksy."

tyler grinned proudly at himself, josh just giggling and tickling his husband's belly. "you're so cute, tyler."

"you're so hot, joshua," tyler giggled.

"ya know... cute and hot go reeeally well together," josh grinned. "especially in bedddd."

"lemme get some pizza first," tyler giggled.

"ok, honey. i'm gonna go get naked. i'll be waiting in our roo-"

"actually, the pizza can wait," tyler said quickly as soon as he heard josh say 'naked.'

josh giggled and shook his head. "nooo, baby. you need to eat something before we have fun. you'll get tired on an empty stomach."

"but you're gonna fill me up with your jizz, aren't yo-"

"tyler!" josh exclaimed, bursting into laughter. he definitely wasn't expecting that from his innocent husband.

"what?!" tyler giggled. "it's truuuue. we never use condoms."

"shhh!" josh giggled. "there're children around!" he said, poking tylers belly since he was basically a child. "you've gotta keep things PG."

"jishwa since when have you EVER kept things PG?"

josh blushed and giggled, picking his husband up and carrying him up the stairs. "whatever. let's go get naked."

healing.//joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now