First Day and Revelations

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A/N I kind of rushed this chapter so i could upload it as i am going away for three weeks tomorow and dont know if i will get the chance to write and i really wanted to give my readers someting.

Grace POV

It’s now Sunday night and I have to go to school tomorrow I am really nervous. Mum and Dad have just tucked me into bed I told them that I wasn’t scared or nervous and they seemed happy. But really I am petrified of going to school I don’t know what will happen tomorrow when mum and dad are not there with me. Galileo comes up lays next to me and licks my face making me smile a little.

I’m woken by Mum shaking my shoulders telling me it is time to get up I am so tired I barely slept last night.

“Good morning baby girl are you ready for your big day?” Mum ask me I just nod my head tiredly Mum moves my hair away from my face and kisses my forehead.

“You look tired baby did you sleep ok?” she ask me I don’t want to lie to her but I don’t want to worry.

“What’s for breakfast mama?” I ask her instead she smiles and picks me up from bed and starts walking down stairs I lay on her shoulder and rub the sleep from my eyes. I don’t want to go today I am so nervous I don’t even know if I could keep my food down at this stage. We get to the kitchen and everyone is there they all say good morning. I look at the table there is pancakes, scrambled eggs, toast bacon and mushrooms on the table. Dad comes over and kisses my cheek while ruffling my hair I shoot him an annoyed look but then smile so he knows I’m just joking

“Bear they wouldn’t let me eat till you was here first and got what you want” Niall says in a baby voice I laugh at him

“Uncle Liam can you please pass me some toast” I say I don’t want to eat too much today I move myself so I am facing the table properly as I am still on mums lap. Liam passes me two pieces of toast.

“Are you sure that is all you want princess?” Dad ask me I nod my head thankfully they don’t push the matter any further I chew on my toast they are all talking about mum and dads wedding I must admit I can’t wait for the wedding to be over I’m getting sick of hearing about flowers and colors and all that other crap that goes with it. I get up and put my plate in the sink they are all still talking so I go upstairs to get ready there isn’t any uniforms at this school from what I read it is pretty casual just nothing that is to short and nothing offensive . I decide on a pair of sky blue skinny jeans with a White flowing shirt with light pink and blue scribble writing and light pink cardigan and a pair of light pink converse. Before I get dressed I go and brush my teeth and run my hair brush through my hair to make it look neater and I just pull back to top bit back and tie it up, leaving the bottom half down I go back in and make sure my door is still locked and get dressed I look in the mirror I don’t look to bad. I go and pick up my school back with an old looking messenger bag that is dark brown I absolutely love it. I double check I have a book of writing paper my pencil case and a drawing pad.

I take 5 deep breaths before I walk out of my room and go down stairs where everyone is still at the table talking about yep you got it the wedding. I look at the clock we should probably leave in like ten minutes and no one is dressed I clear my throat and they all look at me Mum realizes I’m dressed and then looks at the time.

“Shit we need to go in ten minutes I’m sorry Grace we lost track of time.” She says and runs up stairs following by dad I sigh a little and go and sit on the couch I stare at the blank screen of the TV and pat Galileo. What is going to happen when I get there? Will Mum and Dad start forgetting about me they already have this morning maybe if I keep making them proud and do well at school then it will be harder to forget me. just a little bit more added pressure, now I have to make friends but make sure they want to be friends with me and not for who my family is, not change who I am, be brave, deal without been with people I know, make good grades and make mum and dad proud and they also want me to sing at the wedding which is going to be a big step for me and I don’t know if I can do it or not.

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