Chapter 7

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Confusion settles deep in my chest. I wasn't sure that I even heard him right. Death? How is that possible? I thought that Death was an imaginary character. One that you talked about in science fiction novels. Not one that is standing in my bedroom. Not one that I have locked lips with.

My voice pours out in a stutter, but, for some reason unknown to even me, I fail to acknowledge the fact that he has a new personality. "I'm sorry about your family." His burning red eyes flick back up mine. Shock crawls through them. We stare at one another in an awkward silence. All the time that we've been together, it has never been weird. The two of us are so comfortable with one another that our silence is always as warm is he is. For once, it's just quiet and uncomfortable.

Laughter pours out of him, filling the silence. Naturally, my eyes fly open to stare at him. "I just told you that I'm Death, Annabella. You know that Death is the character in black robes with a scythe? I mean, I don't wear that, but you know what I mean. Big, scary." His voice remains choked with laughter. A small smile lightens my face. I may be confused, but he knows exactly how to lighten any situation.

"Your impromptu fact sharing session kind of snapped me out of my game. I couldn't, and still can't, comprehend exactly what you said. Actually, I almost don't believe you." He smiles tersely. "How can you be Death. Death," A sarcastic laugh crackles out of me, "is an imaginary character." His smile turns sad. I mean, he must understand. How can he expect me to sit around and believe the words that are coming out of his mouth?

Like a bull, he blows steam out of his nose. The sad smile on his face mirrors the one on my own. "Love, I'm not lying. When my family died, I sacrificed myself in order to help them." His words play at my heart strings. No matter how unbelievable this is, I would do the same. I love my family more than words. If I had the choice, I would sacrifice my life for my family. The honesty in his eyes sets something alive inside of me. What if he's telling the truth? Is Death not just a character from fiction? "I can see in your eyes that you want to believe me. That and the fact that your thoughts are quite loud." My eyes bulge out of my head and he laughs. "Yes, love, I can hear your thoughts. Part of the job."

"Lucian, I swear. If you have or are planning on using that against me, I will kill you." My icy eyes light up in flames. I have a lot of thoughts. Private thoughts.

His laughter pours through the room like a flood. The sound is contagious. I can't help the laughter that comes from me next. His confession melted away at more of my walls. Of course, I'm confused and filled with questions. But I also understand him. He didn't do it for him, he did it for those he loved. It's honestly something I respect in him. "I promise I won't use it against you." All of the quiet awkwardness that once surrounded us has dissipated into our usual playful happiness.

The happiness in the room stays solid even after we both sit down on my bed. The happiness in the room stays solid even after his arm stretches across my shoulder. The happiness in the room stays solid even after I stretch my body out over him. We lay there just holding one another.

A gentle kiss is placed on the top of my head. I angle my head up and stare at the man holding me close. "I have so many questions, but I don't want to talk. I would honestly rather just sit here in your arms." His confession might have been life changing to anyone, but mine was life changing for me. I never open up to anyone about how I honestly feel. And I just told this man I care about the honest, deep emotions in my heart. I want to sit here and lie on his lap.

I can feel his smile in my hair. The happiness crosses through me. The knowledge that I made him smile brings me so much joy. It scares me how much I care about him.

As we lay there, we just talk. The words pour out of us without much thought. Confessions about my father. Honesty on what it's like to be Death. My feelings about Cole not being here. His hope for the future. Despite how interesting and real our conversation is, I feel myself slowly drifting away. I never sleep and now I'm snuggled on Luke's chest ready to sleep.

The door to my room opens and my mom's voice fills my ears. "Is she asleep?" There's shock evident in the whispered words. I feel Luke nod, the movement moving his body. "She never sleeps," The words are sharp but happy, "she must really like you." I can feel his eyes burning into my head, clearly shocked that I'm actually mostly asleep.

"I adore her. If me being here helps her sleep then I never want to move." For the second time today, Luke's confession brings tears to my eyes. Gently, he places another kiss on the top of my blonde hair before he starts to carefully move from beneath me.

My heart starts to instantly pick up pace. I don't want him to leave me. If he leaves, the nightmares will return and I won't be able to sleep. I need him. My body starts to instantly protest as I tighten my grip around his middle. He can't leave me. I groan out slightly, alerting him of my discomfort. A silent laugh ripples his body and he holds me closer.

"I'll always be here." The sight of roses fill the darkness behind my closed eyes, pulling sleep along with it. "I promise, my little rose."

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