Chapter 10

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His body tenses under my lips. I can tell that I caught him off guard, but I could care less. He has been with me through everything. Protecting me, saving me. No matter what anyone else might think, he is my hero. And with him being my hero, I could care less if people see. I want the world to know that I am overflowing with affection for this man right in front of me. Suddenly, his lips start to move against my own. I feel his hands move to wrap around my waist. A smile tugs at his lips as he forces his tongue through my closed lips. The world around me fades away. All that remains is us. Us and our lips interlocked. Us and our compassion. Us.

From behind me, someone clears their throat loud enough to snap me from my bubble of happiness. I feel Luke's lips turn into a frown and his grip around my waist tightens protectively. He gently removes himself from my grasp and pulls me behind him. His grip is tight and protective on my arm. Almost as if he's marking me as his property. Anger flows through me at this thought. I am not his. I am my own. This person interrupted my unadulterated happiness and turned it to anger at the one who brought me joy. This person ruined my moment.

I place a hand on Luke's back and attempt to walk out. He may be angry and protective, yet I need to know who interrupted us. Luke's arm pushes me back once more. Apparently, he's determined to not let me escape into the actual hall. Whoever it is has him more angry than I am. With more force, I slap the back of his head. A small laugh escapes me as he whips around to face me. The fury in his red eyes has them blazing like pure fire.

"What the hell, Annabella!" His words are as red as the look he gives me. For the first time since we met, fear gushes through me. I know that the angry look he is serving isn't completely due to me, but I also know that I am a part of this glare. With caution, I step away from him.

Apparently the icy fear in my eyes is enough to dull the angry fire in his. Hurt pales his face and he takes a step closer to me. I back away once more. I may adore him, but I'm openly scared right now. Too many men have caused me both physical and mental harm. No way am I allowing another to do the same. The person standing on the other side of him steps into view. Olly.

There is strong concern creasing in the corners of his dark eyes. "Dude, you're scaring her. You need to calm down." I may be livid with him for calling me out in class and leading me to my panic attack, but he's still a huge part of my small friend group. I'll always have a place in my heart for him, even if we're not all that close. Sadly, Luke is not on the same page as I. The heat in his eyes returns as he turns on Olly with more anger than before, something I didn't believe could be possible.

Before anything violent can come of the situation, I rush to stand between them. Luke may have no problems hurting anyone, but I have problems allowing him to cause harm to people. I have seen so much violence in my life, some being directed at me, that I made a promise to always protect people from the same fate.

A growl pours through his lips as they turn down into a frown. The same lips that held the most amazing smile on them when they were pressed against my own. "Move." His voice is deeper than I've ever heard it. All of our anger fuels the air around us with a fierce tension. Through the week that I have known Luke, I have had no fear or total resentment directed at him. Now? Now I can barely stand to be in the same building as him, let alone the same hallway.

I send him a glare. "No." My words are dark and heavy. This is not me trying to be defiant and funny. This is not me trying to be rude and intense. This is me being real. Nothing he can say or do is going to be enough to convince me to back away. Until both men stand down, I shall remain in between them both. My safety comes after theirs. I feel a gentle hand on my arm from behind me. Surprise causes me to whip around and see Olly trying to pull me from the angry man in front of me. Just as luck has it, my lack of attention is enough room for Luke to fully lose control. His arm reaches around me and grabs Olly's hand. With movements that only someone who has fought frequently could have, Luke manages to get me behind him while twisting Olly's arm. A startled shout leaves Olly the same time the bell rings. The hallway, which is still flooded with students, becomes full of people who turn to stare at us. During the entire interaction, we had remained mostly quiet and no one was watching us. Of course that changed as soon as the actual fight began.

Olly may have held his temper before, but that completely changed once Luke had begun causing him pain. I shot backwards as soon as the two idiots began throwing punches. Both may be important to me, but not enough so that I plan on missing any more of my classes. With impatience and a poor mood, I storm off down the hall. Since I had grabbed my books earlier, I was able to go to class. The late bell rang just as I rounded the corner to the classroom. I pick up the pace, just enough to make it into the classroom before the teacher locked the door. She smiled at me gently. Knowledge of my near death has filled the school and I was being granted special privileges. Now I wasn't complaining, it meant that I won't get in trouble for arriving to class slightly late. The last thing I need right now is punishment due to two people with anger issues.

As soon as I step through the door, the room goes silent. I already knew that I would be the center of attention today. The girl who nearly died. What I didn't realize was how closely people would watch me, how careful people I've never even met would treat me. I walk to the back row, where I usually sit, and the people near me stand. Caution stains their faces red as they make sure I have space to sit. The chair to my right remains empty as the people in my row readjust to make space. I stare at them all in return, curiosity and confusion filling my head. Why is the chair left open?

Class starts a few moments later and I'm no longer the object of attention. The teacher is already discussing our final projects which we're getting partnered up for in the next month. As she discusses our project, the class breaks into whispers. No one wants to have a partner that she chooses. Typical.

The door bangs open. Our principal comes marching in, two boys held in his arms. Olly and Luke. His eyes search the room for a moment before landing on me. Without a second thought, I stand from my seat and walk straight towards him. I'm already prepared to deal with the drama that these two have caused today. Sympathy coats his face. I can't seem to escape the drama and the pity today.

Red eyes meet mine in an angry glare. I left him in the hallway. Brown eyes meet mine, overflowing with concern. I left him in the hallway. The principal gives me a look, but turns and walks out the door. With a deep sigh, I follow behind them. 

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