Chapter 23

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We play for hours. Round after round. My win after win. For some reason, these two aren't realizing that I'm going to kick their butts everytime we play. Throughout the time I've spent with these two, we've laughed more than I thought I would while in Hell. I've had a genuinely good time. Not only have we been playing video games, but we've also been having side competitions. Neither twin thought that I was going to be able to 'out-boy' them. I knew for a fact that I would win any competition thrown my way, no matter how masculine they are. From burping contests to soccer simulations, I was winning everything we did. With each of my wins, shock was darkening their eyes. A girl, a gender that they're used to seeing as a Princess, was beating two boys at everything.

A groan leaves Alessio's mouth. I just beat him, for a third time, in a burping contest. "How do you do it!" Mock anger fills his voice as he slaps his chairs armrest. I genuinely laugh at his whining. Like a four-year-old, I imitate what he says in a whiny voice. Laughter pours from me as he sticks his tongue out and pouts. Zaide's hand is over his mouth as he tries to stop his laughter. I laugh even louder when Alessio chucks his empty can of soda at his brothers head.

My whole body is relaxed across the couch. Sometime during our fun I had abducted Alessio's jacket and a pair of Zaide's pants. It didn't occur to me that I was still wearing a nightgown until I went to cross my legs. Lucky for me, I'm short and small. Eighteen-year-old me fits in sixteen-year-old clothing. Now that I've changed, I'm lying upside down. My feet are in the air, swinging around, and my hair is piled on the floor. I look like the girl from this morning, but the much more family friendly version. None of the clothes on my body are my own and my hair is an absolute disaster. Rather than playing the game myself, I'm watching the twins battle for a win once more.

"Zaide, he's behind you!" I hollar out advice to each twin in turn, making the other one shout at me. From my right, Alessio throws a can at my head. I laugh loudly. During the time we've all been in this room, my ladylike qualities have been completely diminished. The fact that I wasn't raised as a Princess is fully shining through. "Alessio, Zaide's creeping up on your left." I expect the object to be thrown at my head this time so I'm able to pull myself up and out of the way.

We keep playing game after game. With each round, our laughter grows louder and louder. It isn't until I've been in this room for six hours that I realize how much time has passed.

For teenagers, neither one of these two seem hungry at all. "Do either of you want food? I think it's dinner time," Zaide pauses the game and both look at me, "and I'm starving." I'm still upside down so I spin myself back into a seated position. The dizziness hits me immediately and I place the heel of my hand on my head. Both boys laugh at me and stand with a stretch. Alessio reaches a hand out to me and I interlock our fingers. He pulls me up to my feet. Zaide copies our movements and soon we're walking over to the door. I allow them to lead me down the hallway again, this time when I'm not running from someone.

Rather than darkness and silence, we walk with laughter and jokes. "My brother is going to flip his shit when he sees you in our clothes." Zaide's hand grabs at my shirt from behind me. I giggle like a middle schooler and slap his hand away. The thought of his brother plagues my mind instantly. Is he really going to be mad when he sees me wearing these clothes? A part of me doubts that he'll even care. I mean, he did parade around a girl this morning. A second part of me hopes that he's mad at me. There's no better way to get revenge than to show off someone else's clothes. A final part of me, the largest part of me, doesn't care if he's mad or not. It's none of his business as to if I'm wearing someone else's clothes. He is the one that trapped me here. I'm going to be the one to turn this into a good thing.

The twins lead me through the hallway. There's darkness around us, but I don't mind. I'm enjoying the time with the twins and I plan to make it last. The whole time we walk, I'm slapping away hand after hand. Sometime during our hanging out I told them that I was ticklish. Now that I'm dealing with the results, I regret my decisions. Despite everything, I'm enjoying myself. Just walking with these two is proving to be a good time.

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