Chapter 11

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I'm agitated. Not just at the two morons who decided to break out into a fight like princesses breaking into song in a movie, but also at myself. I was unable to stop them from fighting. I was the reason they were fighting. There seems to be a common denominator in all the problems happening now-a-days. Me.

"Annabella?" Luke's voice crackles through my ears in a low whisper. "Your thoughts are really loud. What's wrong?" I snap my head towards him, confusion pooling on my face. My thoughts are loud? What does that even mean? Apparently the confusion on my face was highly noticeable because all Luke does is sigh. "I can read people's thoughts, remember? When someone is thinking heavily, their thoughts and feelings are more noticeable to me. It's like playing a game. The darker the thought, the darker the color I see." Anger sparks inside my chest. Has he been using this to his advantage? Has he been reading my mind? My eyes could turn someone to stone with how hard of a look I send him. "No, Annabella. I have not been reading your mind. I may be bad, but I'm not a monster." His red eyes roll at my anger. No sympathy paints his voice, just agitation directed at me.

My eyes stay hard as I continue to stare at the man who just answered my question without me having to ask it out loud. Here he stands, trying to tell me he is not reading my thoughts. I sigh quietly before turning away. Yes, I'm mad. Yes, I want to argue. But, yes, I also know there's no point. We're already about to be in enough trouble. There is no need to cause more problems.

Olly's voice pulls me from my thoughts. "Are you okay, Annabella?" Concern drags his dark eyes to me. I can sense that he is genuinely worried about me, but I'm still mad. He ruined the first day of senior year for me. With his words and attitude, he led me straight into a full panic. Yet, he also came to check up on me today. He wanted to protect me from Luke's anger. Both men are on my bad list right now due to the violence displayed in the hallway, but they also only did it to protect me. Fighting is not something I want anywhere near me, but I seem to be a magnet for it today.

I nod slightly towards Olly before walking away from them both. The principal released his grasp on them a few minutes ago so he is walking a foot ahead of us. I allow my little legs to rush forward. I can understand that I'm a witness to their stupidity, but am I in trouble?

"Mr. Varnif?" My voice comes out quieter than I meant for it to. "Am I in trouble?" His head turns to look down at me. For an older man, he is quite tall. For an eighteen year old girl, I'm quite short. The look of total concern in his eyes sets my anger back up. No one has any reason to pity me. I am stronger than I look. My icy eyes turn cold causing him to turn away quickly.

He sighs slightly. "No you're not." His eyes flit back to the boys. "I needed someone who I knew was at the scene of the fight." He looks back at me. "I knew that you would be since Olly is your friend." Instantly, I can tell he wanted to say something else.

We walk the rest of the way in silence. Luke and Olly remain behind us. For a reason unknown to myself, I want nothing to do with the two. Each one hurt me really bad, but in two different ways. My heart aches and my anger is high. Today has not gone well for me in any of my friendships. Cole and I fought, Olly got into a fight. Nothing is working.

As soon as we reach his office, I stop moving. I may not be in trouble, but I still feel scared. My stomach is in knots and my head is spinning. The anxiety grips at my mind in its tight grasp. Before I even walk inside, the walls feel like they're closing around my chest. My demons awaken one at a time. The fact that I'm in the principal's office for something other than a reward is giving them bait. Is Mr. Varnif secretly lying to me? Am I going to get expelled? Is Luke or Olly going to get expelled? Are they going to hate me for this?

Warm hands grasp my face. Roses. Happiness. Sunshine.

"Mr. Varnif, I personally promise none of this will ever happen again."

Luke's warm hands were enough to snap me out of the panic my mind threw me into. He pulled me out and held me close like he always has. I hope he always will.

No one else noticed before Luke was able to pull us both into the office. Even in the dark, he's there to hold my hand and support me. His radiant happiness is a flashlight through the tunnels of my mind. No matter how many twists and turns, he can always find me. No matter how complicated it is, he can always find me. No matter how dark and sad, he can always find me.

Olly sends me a concerned look as I blurt out my promises. There was a slight crack in my tone due to the on coming tears. I can handle most things in life. Nearly dying, not owning a car, being hurt. I cannot handle being yelled at. There was no way I was letting the principal yell at me. Luke's hand is still wrapped around mine as I sit between the two. He gives mine a squeeze before looking back at the principal.

His grasp on mine lets me know of the promise in his words. "I personally promise, Mr. Varnif, that I'm going to stay out of trouble. No more arguing with her," he tilted his head towards me, "friends." The principal sends us all a smile as Olly nods in agreement to Luke. Hopefully, each means it. I hate fighting and violence. Knowing my friends aren't going to cause anymore is important to me. Violence means pain for at least one person. For some unknown reason, that person is usually me.

My eyes well up with tears almost instantly. "You all don't need to worry. None of you are in trouble." Luke's hand tightens on mine as a way of offering reassurance. It also has a silent 'I told you so' attached. "Olly and Luke, this is a first offense. No more fighting in the halls. Plus, your friend over here is just getting back to school. She needs no more worries in her head." The principal smiles at me grimly. I send him a thankful one in response. He's letting these two off the hook for me. I'm only ever in his office to accept rewards, offer my assistance, or do something good. I have never been in here for something bad before.

Luke, Olly, and I all simultaneously breathe sighs of relief. Even if they messed up dramatically bad, none of us are in trouble. Now, on the other hand, both of them are in trouble with me. The principal must notice the look that crosses my face. He excuses himself gently, placing an arm on my shoulder on the way out. I can instantly tell he senses my oncoming explosion.

Since I'm sitting between Luke and Olly, there's no direction I can turn to stare at them both. With a fire that only someone who has gone through so much can contain, I shoot out of my chair and start to pace the office. I can feel their eyes on me, concern fills the room. "What were you two thinking! You could have gotten expelled." My eyes shift between the two.

Olly reaches out a hand to try and calm me, but I flinch away. "Annabella, we're sorry. I wanted to apologize for the other day, but I got mad. I think both of our tempers got away from us." His dark eyes shift to Luke. Olly's eyes glint with hope. Hope that I feel translates to wanting a friendship. Hope that I feel translates to putting this fight behind them.

Luke whips his head towards me. His red eyes glint with anguish as he nods his head in agreement to Olly's words. "I promise too, my rose." Olly snaps to look at Luke, the nickname hanging in the air. I shut my eyes and take a deep breath. The fact that he calls me something other than my name shows that we're a little more than just friends. Even if I'm unaware what that next step is. It's an intimate thing, to call someone a cute nickname. "I'm done fighting with your friends." He turns towards Olly and nods slightly. Relief crosses their faces before they both turn to me. I push air through my nose roughly, a silent sigh. Even if they did hurt my feelings, neither of them nor anyone else got hurt. I can't stay mad for long.

"Fine. I'm not mad. I'm sorry for overreacting." The tension in the room drops and returns to a neutral feeling. No one is mad, no one is hurt, and no one is dead. I know that them fighting was their way of trying to defend me. Neither meant for me to get hurt. Olly was concerned for my safety and Luke was in protection mode. "As long as this is the last fight between the people I care about today." My gaze turns sharp and I stare at Luke. First Cole and then Olly. I cannot handle one more person being hurt over my own stupidity. Luke nods eagerly, always ready to make sure I am happy. Yes, he takes it too far. Yes, he is too protective. But, yes, I love it. And I fear that I'm starting to love him.

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