Chapter 24

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Surprisingly, Cerin and I haven't attempted to kill each other since that dinner. It has been a few days and things are slowly changing. Ever since his mother stood up in between us, there is less tension when he's around. Dinners have become less formal, even though we're still expected to stand. For some reason, I still remain in my seat when he walks in. A piece of me wants to stand and show my respect for him because I don't dislike him as much anymore. Yet, I don't stand up. It is almost as if I'm stuck to my seat. Cerin doesn't seem to mind anymore. He nods to his family and continues walking into dinner without any awkward waiting periods. I'll stand for him eventually.

I've also noticed that I'm the only guest. There is never any change in the people that walk through the halls or sit at the table for meals. I haven't seen anyone leave Cerin's room since the second day of my stay here. I don't know if he is just taking my advice and not sleeping around, or if he is just getting better with timing.

Not only are Cerin and I not fighting, I'm also getting closer with his family. Luna and I spent a lot of las week moving clothes into my own closet and shopping for new stuff. With each passing day, I'm starting to feel more and more like a Princess. The gowns I've been placed in range from ballgowns to what I wore the first dinner. I also have leggings and t-shirts that I stole from the three males in this house. The twins and I have spent a lot of time together as well. seems to be on a mission to beat me at something since Zaide already has. Through every challenge he has chosen, I remain the 'superstar.' He has yet to beat me.

I spend most of my time by myself. Over the course of time since I've been here, I have been wandering the castle. There are galleries and movie theaters, game rooms and gyms. More recently, I've been hanging out in the kitchen with the cooks. Originally they tried to kick me out. After days of returning, they caved and now let me stay with them. I'm typically seated on the countertop sampling food as they cook it. On certain occasions I'm even allowed to help them cook. More than once, I have made dinner for the Asmodeus family. Apparently, though, today is different.

"Come on, Mr. Moretti! Why can't I help you cook today?" I stand in the kitchen pouting to the head chef. "I even wore my cooking clothes," my voice sounds more like a whining toddler than a 'special guest of the King.' The first time I came in here to cook, I was kicked out due to my clothes. Apparently, the fabrics of my dresses are 'irreplaceable' and 'too expensive' to wear near a kitchen. I've taken to wearing a pair of leggings with one of Cerin's random t-shirts whenever I come back. The top hangs off of me like a bag but at least I'm wearing something unimportant. The kitchen staff has grown accustomed to tossing me an apron whenever I walk in dressed like this.

The chef's Italian accent is thick as he continues to work all while dismissing me. "Miss Smith, you cannot help us today. Today is important," he notices my confused face and chooses to ignore it, "and it needs to be perfect." I stomp my feet like a four-year-old when he waves over another staff member to walk me out. The lady gently loops a hand over my shoulders as she nudges me closer to the door. I walk with her but pout all the same. "And speaking of your clothing, go change into something much more formal," The Italian man shouts at my back. I send him a look over my shoulder, but I leave the kitchen anyways. There is little point in arguing with him.

As soon as we're in the hallway, the lady who led me here bows slightly before rushing back to work. I groan out loud due to boredom. Sadly no one is around to entertain me. I pout once more as I begin to walk away from the kitchen. My legs know the path back to my room so I walk without much thought of my directions. Instead, I think about today. Mr. Moretti said that today was special. As far as I know, no one has a birthday today. Why is today considered special? In all honesty, I don't care about why today is special. I'm still butthurt over the fact that I couldn't help in the kitchen.

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