Chapter 25

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I can't help myself. I take off running, the pain from my shoes being pushed onto the back burner, and I launch myself into his arms. No one has ever put this much effort into something for me before. Without even realizing it, Cerin found a way to make this the most special thing ever done for me. With speed, he places the roses on the ground and catches me in his arms. I wrap my legs around his waist in a tight hug and bury my face into his neck. His laughter rumbles through his entire body, vibrating his throat slightly. I can feel his breath on my ear. A shiver wracks my body involuntarily. This small action warped my feelings for him completely. He is opening up a whole new piece of himself to me even if he realizes it or not. And this piece is all that I need for my heart to find a way to him.

His arms move to my upper back, a signal for me to let go with my legs. I reluctantly release my grip and stand back on my own feet. The smile on my face is as bright as the fairy lights above us. His lips lift into a smile to match my own. A hot blush creeps up my neck as I realize how odd my reaction truly was. My head lowers instantly. I threw myself into his arms just from seeing him, keep in mind I'm wearing my dress and heels. If I didn't seem crazy earlier in my stay then I definitely do now.

From in front of me, I hear Cerin clear his throat. A flash of red passes before my eyes, inspiring me to look up. The bouquet of roses are back in his hands and directly in front of my face. My hands shake as I accept the flowers from his outstretched arms. Just the flowers are enough to make my heart swell with a multitude of emotions. He went all out with this dinner and outdoor setting. The fairy lights, the fancy table. He did this for me. He did this to make sure I'm not uncomfortable around his stepfather. He did this for me. Emotions rain through me like a hurricane. No matter how he treated me when I first arrived, it is impossible to deny that he cares about me in some way, shape, or form. There is some sort of emotion directed at me, even if I'm not sure what it is.

He pulls out a chair for me with one hand and takes my hand in his other. The tears well up in my eyes once more. I need to remember to thank Mrs. Asmodeus after this because she raised him right. A gentle tug on my arm snaps me back to the present and I allow him to maneuver me to my chair. I can't turn down the brightness of my smile as he sits pushes my chair in. His body folds as he bows next to me. My giggle fills the silence around us. I've never been treated this nicely before. He's going to spoil me.

There is a smile on his face as well when he sits down across from me. "Well, madam," the fake posh accent that runs through his voice makes me laugh all over again, "is this setting to your liking?"

"Oh my, good sir! Yes, yes, yes! I've never had someone treat me like such royalty before!"

His laughter booms at my poor attempt on copying his voice. "I am oh so glad! It took quite an exuberant team of staff to help me set this up!"

I add thanking Mr. Moretti to my list of things to do tomorrow. "Well, your majesty, you got everything correct! Red roses are my favorite flower!"

"I am well aware, my lady, I am well aware."

Fits of laughter overtake us as we sit and look at one another. Little does he know, this is my first date as well. Yes. I'm considering this a date even if he doesn't. The amount of effort that he obviously placed in this evening makes my heart soar. I'm clearly not the only one when I catch him staring at me from the corner of my eye. My embarrassed blush makes itself known as it turns my face as red as these flowers. His chuckle makes me blush worse. But, he contradicts the whole thing when he reaches for my hand. Our fingers lace like they've been together since day one. The emotions in my heart must be making my hand react to him as well. Who can blame me when he looks at me with that side eye and winks? I may dislike his temper and sex drive, but his looks make me swoon on the spot. He has this air of confidence that surrounds his entire body. Naturally, I'm deeply attracted to it. Apparently so is every other part of my body as I allow him to hold my hand and my blush triples in heat.

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