Chapter 31

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Of course, just my luck, I could not fall asleep last night. At all. It seems as if my revenge plan sucked for us both. I get out of bed before the sun has even risen, the pinks coloring the red sky beautiful, and decide I have little choice but to start my day. With a long sigh that transitions into a yawn, I walk into the closet. Yes, Luna's wardrobe is complete in its abundance of dresses and heels, but she also has a large supply of gym clothes that I run into first. The sky is pretty enough for me to willingly agree with my mind on the accounts of going for a run this morning.

It doesn't take me long to find a pair of grey stretch pants and a plain sports bra that match the black sneakers on my feet. My hair is in a curly knot on the back of my head so I decide against brushing it. Opting for a messy bun and no makeup, I'm ready in mere seconds. No one else is awake yet so I creep down the hall on silent feet. I'm especially careful as I pass Cerin's door. I have no desire to let him know that I couldn't sleep what-so-ever last night and that my stupid plan somehow backfired onto me. Thankfully the castle is in perfect condition so I manage to successfully creep down the hall and into the downstairs level without any issues. The guards don't bother to stop me as I walk to the door, seeing me with the King so many times has led them to trust me to make my own decisions. I walk outside with a confidence in my step that has come from last night. Power over a King has given me the confidence to behave like a Queen. No one and nothing can stop me from doing as I'd please anymore.

The air is warm, the ground is damp, and the sky is beautiful. It is, by far, the most amazing time to go for a run when you're in Hell. After a quick warm up, I take off at a jog. There is a small paved path that wraps the castle for the guards to workout on so I decide to follow it. As my feet land on the ground repeatedly, my thoughts take over. Cerin said he has a surprise for me today, but he neglected to tell me what it was. This family has done so much for me already that I have little idea as to what it could be. How do you throw a surprise for someone who you've already given everything she could hope for? There is nearly nothing that I want right now other than my family. I do truly miss them all. My mother has always been by my side and been the one to hold my hand through the pain. My sister has looked up at me like a parent and helped me through the darkest days. Jocelyn is practically my sister with the way we spent everyday together. Cole has been by my side through panic attack after panic attack. And then there's Luke. I haven't known him long but I fell head over heels for him rather fast. He is supportive by nature and he protected me through everything. No matter how I feel about the people I've grown to know while down here, I will always miss the ones who changed my life from the beginning. The Asmodeus' are a wonderful family who I got to witness grow closer. Their love for one another has grown stronger and stronger each day. Luna has turned into my sister in the time I've been here with her open heart and loving personality. The twins are playing the roll of my little siblings and giving me a sense of being home with Cole. The Queen has held my heart as a leader and granted me the honor of being a piece of the family. But then there is Cerin. I've never seen someone grow as dramatically as he has. His family doesn't fear him anymore and now I don't either. If anything, I find myself craving his presence more often than I don't. They've all found a place in my heart and I don't know what I would do without them being here. I went from having no one I could ever imagine spending the rest of my life with to having two males I can't live without. I went from having a single friend to having two that I could never lose. I went from having one brother to having three that give me a chance to breathe. There is no way I could willingly change the path my life has taken. I don't want to lose anyone I have grown to know and love.


I walk back into the castle with sweat running down my back and a racing heart. My thoughts took over my sense of time and I didn't realize how long I was running until a guard stopped me. The sun had come up completely in the time I was gone and I managed to miss breakfast. All that I can think about right now, though, is getting into a shower and cleaning this stench off of me. I'll worry about my growling stomach a little later.

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