Chapter 13

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When you wake up from a good nap, what is the one thing that can ruin the mood? Light. Opening my eyes post passing out was bad enough. Opening my eyes and being met with the blinding light above me was miserable. Luke stands above me, concern coating his face. I can feel the soft remnants of a mattress below me and I hiss slightly at the light above my head. This is different than the hospital because the light is coming from a flashlight. A flashlight above my head and a mattress below me? With a gasp, I shoot straight up and glance around. I passed out in the bathroom at school. I woke up in a strange bedroom.

My eyes make a connection with Luke's and he looks away. A new emotion fills the air as he sighs under his breath. Shame. "Now, Love, don't get mad at me," I roll my eyes before he can even finish, "but I think I got you in trouble with the Uppers." All I can do is gawk. Every single word that just came out of his mouth has me very confused. What are Uppers? How am I in trouble with them? "The Uppers are a group of people who work with the Queen of Heaven and the King of Hell and me, Death. We all have distinct roles in the community. I carry souls, the King and Queen run their designated area, and the Uppers determine where souls go as well as when people need to die." His voice trails off at the end of his small speech. It clicks in my head rather quickly as to why I'm in trouble.

"And because you prevented me from dying during the car crash, I'm in trouble." The words pour out as more of a statement than a question. Luke fails to even meet my eyes as he nods. His shame is evident from the blush covering his face. I sigh gently before reaching out my hand for him. Even as he tries to escape my wandering grasp, I manage to grab his hand in mine and interlock our fingers. "Are you in trouble too? Are you going to lose your job?" The worry for him and his life fills me more than the worry for my own situation.

His red eyes snap up to meet my curious blue ones. "Did you just ask me if my job is okay? You're not worried about your own situation?" His eyes flicker between confusion and unadulterated humor.

A small giggle escapes me. "I guess it is kind of crazy how I can manage to be more worried about you than myself." He has a small smile on his face as he squeezes my hand in a gesture that offers so much support.

"Don't worry, Love. My job is safe." He gently kisses my forehead as he pulls me in close. "But are you okay? I just told you that I got you in trouble with a group of very important people and you don't seem to care."

A smile washes across my face as love fills my insides. He really cares about me. Not many people have shown me love in a while. Especially not one of the male gender. Within the week that we have known each other, he has barely left my side. I lay my head on his shoulder in an effort to offer him the same support he gives me. With gentle lips, I place a kiss on his shoulder. "I promise that I'm okay. If I'm not okay right now, I will be. Honestly, I'm not mad. I'm just a tiny bit scared."

Sitting on that bed in the middle of this strange place, Luke holds me in close to his body. Sitting on that bed in the middle of this strange place, Luke shows me love and support that I have not seen in so long. Sitting on that bed in the middle of this strange place, I realize something. Even when something detrimental and horrible is happening, all you need is someone there to hold you.

I feel a small water droplet hit the top of my head. Turning slightly, I look up into the eyes of the man who has shown me so much in just a week. Tears are falling gently down his face, glassing over his powerful red eyes. "I promise that I'll be here to hold you forever." Even if I'm mad that he read my thoughts, I laugh slightly. He wants to be there for me. He wants to hold me close when I cry. Just like he has been doing. My lips turn up into a smile and I place my head back on his shoulder.

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